
Angler in a boat on a fall day holding up a muskie facing forward baring its teeth

7 Great Tips for Falls BIG Fish by the Numbers

September 25, 2019
For any predatory fish that swims, autumn can be the best time of the year for landing numbers of fish as well as the biggest fish of the season. As the waters begin to cool, fish will change…
Man wearing fleece shirt

Fleece Apparel Buyer's Guide

June 18, 2019
In the garment industry today a lot of fabrics are called fleece, yet they look very different and their performance varies widely. When you know the difference, you’ll be able to make a more…
two deer hunters

Are You Neglecting to Hunt Micro Deer Hotspots?

December 13, 2018
Most deer hunters favor big chunks of territory and deer stands that overlook large areas. But some of the biggest bucks get neglected by this tendency to always think larger tracts and more…
News & Tips: 12 Things to Know About Hunting the Four Phases of the Rut...

12 Things to Know About Hunting the Four Phases of the Rut

October 26, 2018
For deer hunters, “the rut” is a magical time that elicits images of broad-shouldered bucks with swollen necks fighting for dominance and chasing does with abandon. It’s portrayed in TV shows as a…
Vertically fishing specific structure where you specifically target fish on your electronics is deadly for fall bass and walleye. Tungsten jigs give anglers a huge advantage over deeper water or when ...

Deadly Vertical Fall Fishing Tactics

October 8, 2018
by Jason Mitchell   Perhaps more than any other year, fall fishing locations can be spot on the spot where specific structural elements hold fish.  An advantage that anglers have when fishing fall…
photo credit: Randall Tharp

Randall Tharp: Tips for Square Bill Crankbait Success

November 13, 2017
Bassmaster Elite fishing pro Randall Tharp uses a square bill crankbait to catch bass year round.  From Lake Okeechobee to Lake Champlain, for largemouth and smallmouth, the Florida pro relies on a…
Fletcher Shryock by Fletcher Shryock

Fall Bass Fishing Tactics With Fletcher Shryock

September 22, 2017
by Dave Landahl Fletcher Shryock has been plying his craft on the Bassmaster Elite Series for several years now. The Spiderwire fishing pro is known for his distinctive orange-hued gear and his flat-…
Edwin Evers by Edwin Evers

Fall Bass With Edwin Evers

August 30, 2016
by Pros4-1Source's Dave Landahl   Get ready, bassers! The fall is just around the corner. That means some of you will disappear into the fields chasing various game, but for those of you who remain…
News & Tips: 7 Ways to Keep a Landowner Happy When Hunting on Private Land...

7 Ways to Keep a Landowner Happy When Hunting on Private Land

October 7, 2015
Hunting on someone else’s land is a privilege and should be regarded as such. It only takes a minute to ask permission and even less to close gates behind you. Here are seven ways to ensure you gain…
News & Tips: Plan for Your Best Campout of the Year...

Plan for Your Best Campout of the Year

September 22, 2015
With hot weather, troublesome insects, and crowded campgrounds gone until next summer, many find autumn is the best time of the year to enjoy a camping trip. Make a checklist to ensure an enjoyable…
JT Kenny Getting it Done by JT Kenny Getting it Done...

Fall Fishing is Spinnerbait Pitching Time

September 3, 2015
Spinnerbait, spinnerbait. Where for art thou, spinnerbait? Ahem, the "Bard" I ain't, but I do so long for the spinnerbait to become a top-of-mind choice for bass fishing fans once again. Sure, walk…
News & Tips: How to Tie Killer Streamers for Fall Brown Trout Fishing...

How to Tie Killer Streamers for Fall Brown Trout Fishing

October 19, 2014
With fall underway, the cold weather and high water means brown trout are in full swing with their migration back into the rivers. If you love fly fishing for big browns then fall is the time to do…