
G30 Gen 5 Pistol

Glock's Safe Action vs Manual Safety

Glocks are popular firearms that are widely used by law enforcement, military personnel, and civilians for their reliability and simplicity. One of the notable features of a standard Glock is the…
Gn safe full of guns

9 Steps to Prepare & Store Your Guns in a Gun Safe

The main reason to store guns in a safe is to keep your firearms from getting into unauthorized hands - people without training or those with ill intent. However, when you put the guns into the safe…
rifle scope dial system

Leupold Custom Dial System (CDS)

In the not so distant past, using most commercial hunting optics, shooting at distances beyond 200 yards required the operator to place the center of the crosshair at different locations of an animal…
Reloading Components Bullet, Brass, Powder, primer

Reloading Components: A Beginner's Guide

By Mat Brost Unlocking the door to the first house you bought. Starting the engine of the first truck you fixed. Pulling the trigger to fire the first cartridge you loaded – what a feeling. Tip:…
Man at table reloading ammo

Step by Step Reloading Guide

Of all the reasons to reload, none is more satisfying than the pinpoint, round-after-round accuracy of shooting your own custom-tuned ammunition. Consistent, tight groups are something to be proud of…

There’s More to Firearm Laser Sights Than Meets the Eye

More and more people are seeing the value of weapon lights like the Crimson Trace Rail Master Pro Universal Laser Sight with Tactical Light and laser sights for their firearms. Laser sight-equipped…
cowboy action shooting

Preserving the Cowboy Way

When many of us were children, the airwaves were filled with TV westerns and characters that we have cherished for decades, some of which we have even emulated in adulthood by participating in Cowboy…
electronic firearm sights

Selecting Electronic Firearm Sights

With recent advancements in technology, decking out firearms with the latest and coolest gadgets is quickly becoming a favorite pastime for gun owners. For turkey hunters, plinkers or tactical…
Best plinking targets and teaching kids to shoot

Plinking Practice Makes Perfect

Plinking, named for the sound a bullet makes when hitting metal, has been popular since the invention of the gun. It's a good bet most of us got our start shooting a BB or pellet gun at a row of cans…

Long-range Ammunition and Reloading

Countless books, articles, video series and even classes have been devoted to the subject of long-range shooting and the factory- or hand-loaded ammunition that's needed to achieve success. Many…

Determining Eye Dominance

While most right-handed people will shoot right-handed due to a consistently dominant right side, that doesn’t necessarily mean every individual will follow those unwritten rules. For instance, some…
Shoot Like A Girl Training

Shoot Like a Girl - Empowering Women in Shooting Sports

Women who have an interest in learning how to shoot a rifle, pistol or bow can do so in a safe, unintimidating environment while trying out a variety of equipment thanks to Shoot Like A Girl and…