Fishing Information

Bass Fishing

What Is Finesse Fishing?

First of all, let's start by defining what finesse fishing is. There is a lot of debate around what exactly finesse fishing is, and while this won't be the definitive definition, it helps to…
Father and Son with fish

Take A Kid Fishing, You’ll Be Glad That You Did

“Take a kid fishing, you’ll be glad that you did.” This Johnny Morris quote appears in a variety of places. You’ll find it in Bass Pro Shops catalogs, on our website and in a number of other…
Bass Pro Shops: A Force for Fishing and Conservation

Bass Pro Shops: A Force for Fishing and Conservation

For more than 50 years, Bass Pro Shops has been committed to making the great outdoors accessible to families across North America. While this commitment takes many forms—combining value and service…
Muskie angler at Lake Shelbyville holding a muskie

Best Places to Fish in Illinois: Lake Shelbyville

Lake Shelbyville is one of Illinois’ premier fishing resources and is recognized for its largemouth bass, crappie, white bass, muskie and walleye opportunities. Crappie are the main attraction on…
Bass angler at Lake Sidney with spotted bass

Best Places to Fish: Lake Sidney Lanier, GA

Weather Patterns and Water Clarity are Key Factors for Anglers Fishing on Lake Sidney Lanier For those that like to target crappie, bass, walleye and more, Lake Sidney Lanier delivers.Lake Sidney…
Two bass anglers on Kentucky lake, one with a bass

Best Places to Fish in Kentucky Lake: Kentucky & Tennessee

Kentucky Lake is the western boundary of the 270-square mile Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area. It is recognized as one of the nation's top fishing lakes for largemouth and crappie…
Lady angler at Lake Fort holding up a larg white bass

Best Places to Fish in Texas: Lake Fork Reservoir

Lake Fork is regarded as one of the premier largemouth bass fisheries in the state of Texas and for the entire country. Created in 1980 by the Sabine River Authority, the lake provides ample cover…
Bass angler holding up a largemouth bass caught in Guntersville lake

Best Places to Fish in Alabama: Guntersville Lake

An impoundment of the Tennessee River, Guntersville Lake is known for its large variety fish and abundance of aquatic vegetation. Largemouth Bass are the primary focus on the lake but substantial…
Angler in a boat on a fall day holding up a muskie facing forward baring its teeth

7 Great Tips for Falls BIG Fish by the Numbers

For any predatory fish that swims, autumn can be the best time of the year for landing numbers of fish as well as the biggest fish of the season. As the waters begin to cool, fish will change…
News & Tips: Video Shows Lightning Nearly Striking Fisherman...

Video Shows Lightning Nearly Striking Fisherman

This is Why You Should Get Off the Water — and Shoreline — During a Lightning Storm! The best way to protect yourself and anyone with you from lightning is to avoid the threat. Summer is the peak…
Angler casting a frog bait

The Best Fishing Presentation is a Confident Presentation

Confidence is Always the Best Piece of Equipment an Angler Can Have  By Brian Abella, Cabela’s Associate Category Manager One angler might fish a shallow crankbait fast and cover a lot of water…
Father & son fishing from a boat dock by Father & son fishing from a boat dock...

The Best 6 Live Fishing Baits for Beginning Anglers

What Are the Best Live Baits for New Fisherman to Use? When starting out as a new angler of any age, there are two important things to remember. First, you want their fishing gear and the fishing…