Big Game

antelope hunt with cva muzzleloader

Chasing Antelope With a CVA Firearm

Hunting around the world with a muzzleloader, you face some harsh conditions – Changing humidity levels, rain, snow, sunshine, drastic sudden changes in temperature that can cause your barrel to…

Muzzleloader Maintenance

Keeping your muzzleloader clean is often key to the accuracy, performance and longevity. Failure to do so can result in misfires, corroded parts and wasting money on a problem that could have been…
Hunter hunting in snow

How To Layer – Apparel Buyer's Guide

Layering apparel for cold-weather situations can not only help maintain a moderate body temperature, but it could save your life in an emergency situation. FIRST LAYER: Base Layer Cabela's ECWCS…

Big Game Cover and Attractant Scent Buyer's Guide

No matter what four-legged critter you’re pursuing, the one thing that will get you busted most often is invisible and drifting on the air. From varmints to big game, it’s the defensive sense of…
News & Tips: The Hunter's Guide to Social Media

The Hunter's Guide to Social Media

There are few moments more rewarding to the big game hunter: you’ve finally taken that trophy buck or bull and a little bragging to your buddies is in order. Long gone, however, are the days of the…
News & Tips: Planning Your 1st Western Big Game Hunt? Consider These Tips First...

Planning Your 1st Western Big Game Hunt? Consider These Tips First

If the urge to hunt the Rocky Mountains, the craggy badlands, or the sweeping prairies has risen inside you to a point where you can’t contain it, it’s time to get moving and plan your first western…
News & Tips: Don't Break The First Rule of Big Game Hunting...

Don't Break The First Rule of Big Game Hunting

How often have we as hunters sat in our deer stand, wind blowing the wrong direction, hoping that the animals won’t pick up on us?  I have to admit, there have been more times than I can remember.…
Hunter with downed elk

7 Must Haves for DIY Big Game Hunters on a Budget

If you want to go western big game hunting but must stick to a budget, the following tips will help you stay comfortable and hopefully fill your freezer. Don’t skimp on hunting optics. These days,…
News & Tips: Bowhunting Pronghorn: Tips on Taking and Making the Shot...

Bowhunting Pronghorn: Tips on Taking and Making the Shot

  If you can master the shot, you'll find success in hunting pronghorn.   If you were casually belly crawling across the prairie without reason, you'd think of crazy stuff. Like, "What will I do if…
News & Tips: 8 Tips for Spot and Stalk Antelope Hunting...

8 Tips for Spot and Stalk Antelope Hunting

 Ready to spice up your bowhunting with an antelope spot and stalk hunt? Then be ready to boost your skills up a notch by preparing months in advance for perhaps one of the most challenging, exciting…
News & Tips: Looking for a Unique Hunting Adventure? Try Reindeer in Alaska...

Looking for a Unique Hunting Adventure? Try Reindeer in Alaska

Are you a hunter who's just about done it all? Are you looking for possibly the most unique hunting adventure in North America? Hunting reindeer in the Aleutian Islands of Alaska might be just the…
News & Tips: 4 Places to Hunt Big Moose on a Small Budget...

4 Places to Hunt Big Moose on a Small Budget

Alaska and the Yukon are home to the largest moose on the planet: the Alaska-Yukon subspecies. But these hunts aren't cheap, running in the range of $14,000-$18,000. However, there are other places…