Camping Information

Family camping in a tent in an open area

Before You Camp, Use This Guide for Handy Tips & Trusted Gear

This camping guide will be covering the basics of how to camp, focusing on the essential camping gear you'll want for a memorable outdoor experience. 4 Things to Plan for the Best Camping Trip 1.…
Family setting up camp with tent

How to Plan Your Next Family Camping Trip in 5 Workable Steps

Use these five important camping tips to plan a trip that everyone in the family will enjoy! There are so many resources available to help plan your next camping trip; it’s really not complicated.…
Tweezers removing tick embedded in the skin

How to Remove a Tick Embedded in the Skin (video)

Ticks are a part of nature. If you plan to get outside, chances are you could come in contact with one and even get bit. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ticks are most…

Backcountry Camping Guide

Taking your camping excursion off the beaten path is a wonderful way to explore the beauty of nature and find peace and solitude in the remote outdoors. If you are ready to bypass the crowds and…
12 Ways To Fight Mosquitos And Ticks From The Skin Out...

Camping: 12 Great Ways to Fight Mosquitos and Ticks From the Skin Out

Biting insects – especially mosquitos and ticks – come with the camping experience … actually, with any outdoor experience. When we step outside the climate controlled confines of our homes, we enter…
Campfire Quiz

Are You a Campfire Super Hero? Take This Quiz to Find Out

At the core of every camping trip … of nearly every great outdoor experience, for that matter … is a campfire. That’s how 50 Campfires got its name – 50 states, 50 Campfires. So if you want to be…
News & Tips: Halloween Costumes From Outdoors Gear (costumes ideas already in your closet!)...

Halloween Costumes From Outdoors Gear (costumes ideas already in your closet!)

Looking for Halloween costume ideas to trick-or-treat outdoor style? We’ve got some great outdoor themed costumes for you! Stranded Hiker – The stranded or lost hiker can be as simple or elaborate…
What Makes A Good Knife

What Makes A Good Camping Knife?

The selection of a camping knives and tools is a personal choice. That’s why knives are such a hotly debated topic on social media and around the campfire. Everyone has their own favorites. So…
News & Tips: How to Tie Four Easy Camping Knots  (video)...

How to Tie Four Easy Camping Knots (video)

How to tie camping knots. The subject sounds kind of nerdy … until you’re camping and you need to know how to tie a particular knot … like right now. Sure, the family car camper is not usually…
News & Tips: 10 Tips for Camping With Your Dog In Hot Weather (infographic)...

10 Tips for Camping With Your Dog In Hot Weather (infographic)

Dogs love camping, too! But only if you take the right steps to make it a good experience for you and for them. Camping with dogs in summer weather can be uncomfortable, even dangerous for your…
News & Tips: Buying a Tent? Here's a Guide to Make the Perfect Choice (infographic)...

Buying a Tent? Here's a Guide to Make the Perfect Choice (infographic)

Considering a new tent? It’s a big decision, and the selection and price range can be confusing. However, just asking yourself a few simple questions can put you on track to make the perfect choice.…
Group camping area with many tents

How to Plan a Group Camping Trip (infographic)

Planning a camping trip for a family of 3-4 is one thing. Planning a group trip for a family reunion, a club gathering, or a church retreat is another thing entirely. Doing it right takes focus,…