The popularity of ATVs among anglers and hunters is no surprise — these workhorses can carry or tow an incredible amount. They're easy to operate and, when handled responsibly and driven on…
Ready to spice up your bowhunting with an antelope spot and stalk hunt? Then be ready to boost your skills up a notch by preparing months in advance for perhaps one of the most challenging, exciting…
For fly anglers, as we enter the long dry conditions of late July and early August, fishing your favorite streams and rivers can become exceedingly difficult. This difficulty is due to the low water…
Any lure specialist who pursues the Silver King should remember these key facts.
Have sharp, strong saltwater hooks. Tarpon have huge, hard, suction-creating mouths as their feeding tool. This means…
Flukes — brand name anglers often use to describe one basic style of soft stickbaits — are highly effective river walleye baits when water temperatures rise into the mid 50s and beyond.
Feeding fish…
Grilling is an ideal way to sear in juices and capture the distinctive flavor of each type of fish, including freshwater species such as catfish, salmon, trout, walleye and crappie, and saltwater…
It's a sad yet true fact: many upland and waterfowl hunters meticulously pore over hunting gear in preparation for a hunt, only to load their hunting dog into a kennel in the back of a truck as a…
Old "Mr. Whiskers" is one of America's favorite fish, both in terms of angling quality and cuisine. They are prolific and can be caught all across the country. And few fish can match the delicate…
Walleye rivers of all sorts feature piers, vertical structures where walleyes collect during the summer fishing months.
Bridge piers, which often funnel the river's current, are the most common.…
Biologists in state fisheries agencies have stated that underutilized catfish populations exist in smaller creeks and rivers from Virginia to Texas. Catfish can live in any water but cold streams at…
It's about 10 a.m., and my buddy and I have already been walking for more than two hours. The trail into the forest long gone, we lunge over slippery fallen logs and scramble up rock outcrops.
I do most of my crappie fishing in eastern Arkansas where clear waters are as rare as 5-pound crappie. I have no trouble catching crappie in the highly colored oxbow lakes I usually visit, but put me…