Safety Tip

Family of four loading a boat with boating gear for a trip to the lake

Are You Boating Safety Smart? Take This Quiz to Find Out!

October 28, 2019
Do you know what the required safety equipment you must have on a boat is? The United States Coast Guard has outlined the safety precautions and gear you need in this extensive printable PDF guide…
Ice angler fishing over an ice hole

Ice Fishing Safety Tips & Tricks (video)

October 18, 2019
Common Sense is the Key to Enjoying All Kinds of Recreation on Winter Lakes Ice fishing. It’s one of those outdoor activities about which most folks say either “Uh-uh. Nope. Never. Are you crazy?”…
News & Tips: These Tips Could Save Your Life: Lightning Safety in the Outdoors...

These Tips Could Save Your Life: Lightning Safety in the Outdoors

May 7, 2019
When temperatures rise outside, so do the number of people enjoying the outdoors. But the beauty of nature can also bring harm. And while spring may produce storms and rain, the summer is actually…
News & Tips: How to Select the Best Shooting Glasses for You (infographic)...

How to Select the Best Shooting Glasses for You (infographic)

July 25, 2018
No matter what type of shooting sports you enjoy – rifle, pistol, action, 3-gun, trap, skeet, sporting clays, hunting – eye and ear protection are mandatory. If you’ll be firing a gun or even be…
News & Tips: 3 Ways to Develop Safety and Trust with Your Hunting Dog...

3 Ways to Develop Safety and Trust with Your Hunting Dog

May 17, 2018
When you watch a hunting dog go about that which it was born and bred to do, it’s not hard to imagine the canine is covering 10, 20, or even 30 times as much ground as its two-legged hunting partner…
News & Tips: Are You a Boating Expert? Take This Quiz & Find Out...

Are You a Boating Expert? Take This Quiz & Find Out

June 27, 2017
Boating is meant to be fun! How often have you heard kayaks, canoes, sailboats, ski boats, fishing boats, and more called “pleasure craft?” Yet with the fun, comes responsibility. Your safety and…
News & Tips: Flipping Your Kayak Now Can Save Your Life Later (video)...

Flipping Your Kayak Now Can Save Your Life Later (video)

August 23, 2016
The fear of falling out of a kayak keeps many people from ever trying one out. People don't buy any floating vessel only to end up bobbing beside it shortly after launch but for those who own a kayak…
News & Tips: Car Topping Your Kayak? Tips for Choosing the Right Equipment...

Car Topping Your Kayak? Tips for Choosing the Right Equipment

May 17, 2016
We all know that kayaks are easy to transport--that's one of the big pluses. But transporting them safely and without damage takes the right equipment and the right preparation. Here are a few tips…
News & Tips: Hunting From a Treestand? Arguments That Will Convince You to Wear a Safety Harness....

Hunting From a Treestand? Arguments That Will Convince You to Wear a Safety Harness.

November 15, 2014
Talk to enough bowhunters and you’ll eventually hear one sheepishly admit that, at one time or another, he or she has hunted from a treestand while not wearing a full-body safety harness. When that…
Der Hunting Safety Tips by Der Hunting Safety Tips

Hunter and Non Hunter Basic Safety Tips During Hunting Season

November 13, 2014
When it comes to hunter safety, learn it, preach it, and - most of all - practice it yourself, because it's easy to get overconfident and become careless. Always remain conscious of safety when you…
News & Tips: How to Select a Wilderness Campsite That’s Safe and Comfy...

How to Select a Wilderness Campsite That’s Safe and Comfy

October 29, 2014
In an instant the blue-sky, 70-degree, high-country afternoon morphed into a mother of a storm. My husband and I jumped off our horses and secured them, threw our saddles adorned with all our gear…
News & Tips: 7 Safety Tips You Need to See Before Your Next Fall Hike...

7 Safety Tips You Need to See Before Your Next Fall Hike

October 5, 2014
The rain ended an hour before daylight, but the ground and brightly-colored leaf litter covering the forest floor remained wet. Rain water dripping off of the tree limbs was beginning to slow its…