Survival tip

News & Tips: How to Turn a Rainy Day Into an Incredible Hiking Experience...

How to Turn a Rainy Day Into an Incredible Hiking Experience

September 26, 2014
Arrive at any trailhead, even popular ones, on a rainy day and your vehicle will likely be the only one there. Rainy days on the trail can be uncomfortable while backpacking, but for a day hike, don’…
News & Tips: Improve Skills With 10 Top Wilderness Survival Schools...

Improve Skills With 10 Top Wilderness Survival Schools

September 15, 2014
You’re ready to improve your outdoor survival skills. A quick Google search brings up dozens of survival school options in the United States. But how do you evaluate a school or course and choose one…
News & Tips: When it's Hot Out, Keep Your Cool With These 10 Tips...

When it's Hot Out, Keep Your Cool With These 10 Tips

August 31, 2014
In the summer, or even fall, winter and spring in some parts of the world, heat can be a dangerous element in the outdoors. According to the Centers For Disease Control, 7,415 deaths in the United…
News & Tips: Keep the Right Tools Handy to Remove Fish Hooks From Your Skin...

Keep the Right Tools Handy to Remove Fish Hooks From Your Skin

August 27, 2014
The unhooking process is potentially hazardous to the angler, especially when the fishing lure sports multiple treble hooks. One slip at an inopportune moment can result in a dropped fish and a hook…
News & Tips: 9 Ways to Use a Knife for Survival

9 Ways to Use a Knife for Survival

August 17, 2014
A knife is widely regarded as the single most important survival tool for those who venture into the wilderness. It can obviously cut things — an important task in the woods — but with a little know-…
News & Tips: If You’re Ever Lost in the Woods, Remember to STOP...

If You’re Ever Lost in the Woods, Remember to STOP

August 1, 2014
    If you have ever been lost, you know the rush of emotion that overcomes you when the trouble is realized. At the exact moment when being lost is confirmed, a person will either make the…
News & Tips: 12 Little Known Facts About Poison Ivy (infographic)...

12 Little Known Facts About Poison Ivy (infographic)

June 24, 2014
Shirt pulled up to expose his belly and plant in hand, 10-year-old Curt used a circular motion to rub the plant over the surface of his skin. His little cousin followed suit. The little boy was my…
News & Tips: Rainy Camping Trips: 8 Must-Do's to Stay Dry...

Rainy Camping Trips: 8 Must-Do's to Stay Dry

June 13, 2014
Even though the weatherman may be right more often than not, weather patterns can be unpredictable. So that camping trip that was supposed to be dry and beautiful can turn into a soaked mudfest in…
News & Tips: How a Life Vest Saved Me

How a Life Vest Saved Me

May 23, 2014
This past weekend I attended the annual conference of the Outdoor Writers of Ohio (OWO). As the current president of OWO, I'm involved with the planning of most of the organization's activities.…
News & Tips: 4 Ways to Make a Fire Without Matches or Lighter...

4 Ways to Make a Fire Without Matches or Lighter

May 13, 2014
A few decades ago, it would have been difficult to find an outdoorsman who couldn't start a campfire. Wood cookstoves and heating were used by almost everyone, and campfires brightened every outdoor…
News & Tips: Pack First-Aid Items for Fishing, Hunting & Camping Trips...

Pack First-Aid Items for Fishing, Hunting & Camping Trips

April 19, 2014
A well-stocked first aid kit is a handy thing to have on a fishing, hunting or camping trip. Have you ever been in the middle of a great fishing or hunting trip and start to suffer a headache, sour…
News & Tips: Don't Get Caught Unprepared for Spring Weather...

Don't Get Caught Unprepared for Spring Weather

March 27, 2014
When the longer days and warmer temperatures of springtime arrive, there’s nothing better than getting outside and enjoying yourself.  That said, springtime weather can seemingly change at the drop…