

Hunting Bullet Buyer's Guide

August 11, 2019
Selecting the right ammunition for your hunting trip was pretty straightforward decades ago. It seemed that there were fewer calibers to choose from, and a bullet was a bullet in those days. Today…
Why I Carry A concealed Firearm

Why I Carry A Concealed Firearm

June 25, 2019
The Responsible Approach to Personal Protection It is important for anyone who is considering carrying a concealed firearm to know the laws and regulations related to the concealed carry of a…
Best plinking targets and teaching kids to shoot

Plinking Practice Makes Perfect

June 25, 2019
Plinking, named for the sound a bullet makes when hitting metal, has been popular since the invention of the gun. It's a good bet most of us got our start shooting a BB or pellet gun at a row of cans…
Rifle and rimfire cartridges

WSM - A New Breed of Rimfire

June 25, 2019
Flat Shooting with Minimal Wind Drift The Winchester .17 WSM rimfire rifle shoots Winchester Super Magnum cartridges flatter and more accurate than both the .17 HMR and the .22 Magnum. Winchester .…
olympic trapshooter corey cogdell

Olympian's Solid Shooting Lessons Learned in 4-H

June 25, 2019
With a competitive record as decorated as hers, Corey Cogdell hardly needs an introduction. She's earned many of the highest accolades in trapshooting, including two National Championship titles and…
Shoot Like A Girl Training

Shoot Like a Girl - Empowering Women in Shooting Sports

June 25, 2019
Women who have an interest in learning how to shoot a rifle, pistol or bow can do so in a safe, unintimidating environment while trying out a variety of equipment thanks to Shoot Like A Girl and…

Long Range Shooting

June 24, 2019
Are you interested in long-range shooting? Is one of your biggest goals to successfully shoot paper targets, steel targets, and even varmints, predators and big-game animals from distances of up to 1…

Handgun: Concealed Carry Education

June 24, 2019
You go to great lengths to minimize threats to your life, but sometimes a deadly situation is unavoidable. While every scenario is unique and requires personal decisions, having a proper handgun…

Air Rifle Buyer's Guide

June 22, 2019
If it's your first time buying an air gun, or even if you already own a few, it never hurts to educate yourself on the key considerations that make certain products a better fit for certain shooters…
Nightvision and Thermal Imaging Optics

Nightvision Buyer's Guide

June 12, 2019
Understand which nightvision unit best suits your needs Nuclear energy and radar weren’t the only technologies to originate during WWII. Germany had developed primitive nightvision capabilities just…
Shooter practicing with rifle

How to Become a Better Rifle Shot (video)

October 7, 2018
Most rifle shooters recognize that there's no substitute for time spent at the range. They know that to become a competent rifleman, a shooter needs to practice. A whole lot, in fact. Unfortunately…
News & Tips: How to Select the Best Shooting Glasses for You (infographic)...

How to Select the Best Shooting Glasses for You (infographic)

July 25, 2018
No matter what type of shooting sports you enjoy – rifle, pistol, action, 3-gun, trap, skeet, sporting clays, hunting – eye and ear protection are mandatory. If you’ll be firing a gun or even be…