
News & Tips: River Walleye Tackle and Tactics

River Walleye Tackle and Tactics

February 24, 2019
In walleye country, rivers hold an abundance of fish. Current adds another dimension to angling, which can be a challenge, but it often concentrates walleye in specific areas. The next time you plan…
News & Tips: Autumn Whitewater: Where to Find Fast Flowing Rivers...

Autumn Whitewater: Where to Find Fast Flowing Rivers

September 30, 2014
Fast-flowing whitewater is most often associated with the summer and spring. But each year paddlers continue to raft, kayak and canoe into the fall months, some up until all the leaves drop off the…
News & Tips: How One Angler Tackles Small Stream Catfish...

How One Angler Tackles Small Stream Catfish

July 30, 2014
Biologists in state fisheries agencies have stated that underutilized catfish populations exist in smaller creeks and rivers from Virginia to Texas. Catfish can live in any water but cold streams at…
News & Tips: Get Afoot in the Flow for Summer River Walleyes...

Get Afoot in the Flow for Summer River Walleyes

July 28, 2014
No gas? No boat? No problem! Fuel prices or the lack of a walleye fishing rig shouldn't limit your opportunities for catching summertime 'eyes. Swap petro for boot leather to take advantage of…
News & Tips: Your River High and Dirty? Toss Spinnerbaits for Smallmouth Bass...

Your River High and Dirty? Toss Spinnerbaits for Smallmouth Bass

July 2, 2014
At the risk of sounding whiny as well as redundant, I again must share the fact that western Pennsylvania has been inundated with rain for the past several weeks. The wet weather has provided some…
News & Tips: Two Soft Swimbait Styles That Will Catch River Smallmouth This Summer...

Two Soft Swimbait Styles That Will Catch River Smallmouth This Summer

June 11, 2014
During the summer months, I rely on soft swimbaits to take river smallmouth bass, particularly when there is a hint of color to the water. Soft swimbaits come in two basic styles. The most common…
News & Tips: 5 Easy Shelter Options When Camping Along Rivers...

5 Easy Shelter Options When Camping Along Rivers

June 9, 2014
Camping on the bank of a river or stream is an activity many river rats enjoy during the warm summer months. Almost all will agree that there is no better way to enjoy a river than to spend a night…
News & Tips: Fish River Tailouts for Warm Weather Walleyes...

Fish River Tailouts for Warm Weather Walleyes

April 30, 2014
Walleyes are river fish. Some of the best fishing for marble-eyes happens on river systems, particularly during the cold water periods of early spring and late fall. During those times, walleyes…
Smallmouth bass jumping

Rapala Husky Jerk Smart Choice for River Fishing

April 23, 2014
I'm old enough to remember when there wasn't such a thing as a suspending jerkbait, at least not a commercially made one. My first exposure to suspending jerkbaits came by way of In-Fisherman…
News & Tips: How Water Levels Will Impact Your Trout Fishing (video)...

How Water Levels Will Impact Your Trout Fishing (video)

April 14, 2014
While matching the hatch, choosing casts and deciding where to fly fish are all crucial factors in order to land the Big One, water levels have just as big of an impact. Spring is here and, after…
News & Tips: How to Make Sauger Your Bonus Walleye Catch...

How to Make Sauger Your Bonus Walleye Catch

April 7, 2014
Like its big cousin, the walleye, saugers provide a dependable early spring bite in many systems. There are tips and tricks to make sauger more than just a bonus catch when targeting walleyes.  …
News & Tips: Using Bead Heads in Fly Fishing

Using Bead Heads in Fly Fishing

April 2, 2014
If you take a quick look into your fly box, what do you see? Do you have barrage of gold bead head nymph patterns lining your fly box or a run of the traditional weighted nymphs? In most cases,…