Fall & Winter

News & Tips: Try Bright Baits When Sight-Fishing Bass...

Try Bright Baits When Sight-Fishing Bass

October 19, 2014
While pink isn’t a common underwater color, these fising lures and baits can trigger aggressive bites. From season opener to autumn, I sight fish for bass whenever conditions allow. Although many…
News & Tips: 3 Reasons to Fish With Football Jigs for Fall Smallmouth...

3 Reasons to Fish With Football Jigs for Fall Smallmouth

October 16, 2014
Casting, jigging, and dragging a football jig teamed with a bulky plastic are reliable ways to catch smallmouth bass. Try wetting one this fall, and you’ll quickly get hooked on the fish-catching…
News & Tips: Top 3 Places to Catch More Walleye This Fall...

Top 3 Places to Catch More Walleye This Fall

October 8, 2014
Favorite walleye fishing hotspots during autumn include tributaries, points, and humps. Anglers who focus on those hangouts have the chance to boat a big one. Autumn is an amazing time to chase…
News & Tips: 17 Signs From Nature That Can Help You Predict the Weather (video)...

17 Signs From Nature That Can Help You Predict the Weather (video)

October 5, 2014
Thick leaden clouds blanketed the sky and the air had a heavy, raw feel as we pushed off into the emerald green river. But at least temperatures hovered above freezing. We were embarking on a 10-mile…
News & Tips: Fish the Points Near Bays for Migrating Largemouth in the Fall...

Fish the Points Near Bays for Migrating Largemouth in the Fall

October 5, 2014
Be sure to fish points near bays for largemouth this autumn. These areas draw in bass that are leaving shallow bays and can hold lots of quality fish in a small area. It’s autumn. Many types of…
News & Tips: Tips for Fishing Fall and Winter Southern Muskie...

Tips for Fishing Fall and Winter Southern Muskie

September 30, 2014
It may surprise you to learn that the fabled toothy monster of the Far North, the muskellunge, occurs in a growing number of lakes and rivers throughout Dixie. In highland reservoirs, where muskies…
News & Tips: Wing and a Prayer

Wing and a Prayer

November 29, 2013
This season started with a bang! The pun is intended. As a member of the RedHead Field Staff hunting team, I look forward to waterfowl season all year long. As much as I love to fish, watching geese…
News & Tips: Cold Weather Tent Camping Tips

Cold Weather Tent Camping Tips

November 15, 2013
The leaves have completed their fall, exposing the tree skeleton; sure sign cold temps are on the horizon. A small percentage of avid tent campers are not intimidated by the chilling weather and keep…
News & Tips: Cold Weather Fly Fishing

Cold Weather Fly Fishing

November 14, 2013
In Ontario, come November, all but the die-hard anglers quit fly fishing for the year — for a number of reasons. First, many trout waters close at the end of September. Second, it’s hunting season.…
News & Tips: Where to Target Your Deer Shot (infographic)...

Where to Target Your Deer Shot (infographic)

November 13, 2013
Where should you target your shot the next time you're deer hunting? With this handy infographic you'll know where the prime target area is and become a more savvy hunter. The rut has phases and will…
News & Tips: Catch More Fall Bass

Catch More Fall Bass

October 30, 2013
To consistently catch bass no matter what the season, you must have an understanding of what type of baitfish the bass are feeding on and what the water temperature does to the behavior of those…
News & Tips: Transporting Game After the Hunt

Transporting Game After the Hunt

October 28, 2013
While properly field dressing game is a key element in the race-against-the-clock effort to preserve your harvest, a hunter's work is not over once this has been done. Field Butcher Kit with Belt…