Member for
12 years 5 monthsHome: Bloomington, Illinois
Family: (wife) Darla, my Labrador Retriever, Chesney
Hobbies: Hunting, Fishing, Shooting
Rifle / Bow: Shot gun
Hunting Stuff
Years Hunting: 10 years
Favorite Technique: Whatever situation calls for to be successful
Hunting Strength: Adapting to conditions
Favorite Game to Hunt: WATERFOWL
Favorite Hunting Gear: Entire Redhead line of products (not kidding!)
Favorite Places to Hunt: CANADA
Favorite Season to Hunt: Fall / Winter
Favorite Time to Hunt: Sunrise
Favorite Way to Hunt: Layout Blind
Career Highlights
IDNR Certified Wing Shooting Instructor
Avid Outdoorsman and Wildlife Photographer
Outdoor writer for Midwest Outdoors Magazine TV Show
Host of
Biggest Kill: Black Bear
Greatest Hunting Achievement: First Turkey
Favorite Hunting Moment: Anytime Geese are coming to decoys over water. It just does something to me. Love it!