Boating Gear

Two men fishing from a Tracker boat in a quiet cover on the lake

5 Revealing Questions to Ask When Buying a Fishing Boat

April 23, 2019
Are You Wanting to Buy a Fishing Boat? White River Marine Group spokesperson and Product Development Manager, Steve Mason, knows fishing boats. He was once one of the nation’s largest Tracker boat…
News & Tips: Boat Control: Guide to Buying & Using Drift Socks (video)...

Boat Control: Guide to Buying & Using Drift Socks (video)

February 7, 2018
Most anglers curse the existence of the wind. It can make boat positioning frustrating at the best of times, and casting and retrieving baits impossible at the worst. But there is hope. The light at…
Life Vest: photo credit Tim Allard

5 Ways to Inspect and Maintain an Inflatable Life Vest

March 28, 2017
Inflatable life jackets or vests are popular items for anglers and boaters. Although easy to use, vests require ongoing care and maintenance to keep them in good working order throughout their…
News & Tips: Which Life Vest Should You Buy? Here are Ten Examples With Pros & Cons (video)...

Which Life Vest Should You Buy? Here are Ten Examples With Pros & Cons (video)

July 8, 2016
If you’re going to be on the water, you need a certified, wearable personal floatation device also known as a PFD or life vest. It’s required by law, and it’s only smart. However, the array life…
News & Tips: Fish Finders for Your Kayak, Canoe, or Jon Boat...

Fish Finders for Your Kayak, Canoe, or Jon Boat

May 17, 2016
Finding fish in extreme shallows is made a lot easier with a kayak, canoe or jon boat that can almost float in fresh dew, but what about those months when the fish are deep offshore? To be versatile…
News & Tips: How to Get Your Boat Up on Plane Quicker...

How to Get Your Boat Up on Plane Quicker

May 4, 2016
Some boat and motor packages are just not happy combinations. They're slow out of the hole, slow on top end and suck up fuel like there's no tomorrow. They porpoise, they chine walk and they're tough…
News & Tips: 3 Awesome Battery Chargers for Your Boat...

3 Awesome Battery Chargers for Your Boat

May 4, 2016
Onboard boat battery chargers eliminate the issues of digging down into the bilge with a flashlight trying to hook up your deep-cycle batteries for an overnight charge so that you can get full power…
News & Tips: How Trim Tabs Can Improve Your Boat Performance (video)...

How Trim Tabs Can Improve Your Boat Performance (video)

March 14, 2016
Trim tabs can cure performance problems in many boats that are overweight or underpowered, and can also help boats that are ideally packaged to better performance and greater comfort in many…
News & Tips: 10 Boating Essentials Under $25

10 Boating Essentials Under $25

June 1, 2015
Having a great day on the water is one of the joys of summer. While you can’t control some things, like weather and boat traffic, you can keep your vessel in top shape while carrying the right…
News & Tips: Prop Selection Factors Every Boat Owner Should Know...

Prop Selection Factors Every Boat Owner Should Know

February 13, 2015
Would you like to save fuel, get on plane faster, and beat your competition to the best fishing spots? Thought so. All boat owners can benefit from knowing a few boat propeller basics, but prop…
News & Tips: 3 Reasons to Use a Drift Sock in a Kayak...

3 Reasons to Use a Drift Sock in a Kayak

September 24, 2014
When kayak fishing, using an anchor trolley kit and a drift sock means less time paddling and more time catching! Let’s face it. Boat position is a chore no matter the type or size of rig, but…
News & Tips: Deck Mats Make Boating Easier on the Body...

Deck Mats Make Boating Easier on the Body

September 15, 2014
Standing long hours on carpet-covered plywood can take its toll on the body, especially in choppy water. When renovating my casting deck a decade ago, I removed the seat base; so using a chair or…