Roast is a fairly broad term when it comes to cuts of meat. There is pot roast, which is usually a tougher cut of meat cooked using a braise, or with a bit a liquid in a low temperature oven or slow cooker.
Then there is the classic rib roast, cooked medium-rare and sliced thinly. This technique is easily translated to venison, and can be used with either a chunk of backstrap from an elk or moose, or the top round from the hindquarter of a deer (or any animal in the deer family).
The key to cooking a venison roast this way is faith, as in there is no peeking into the oven during the two-hour rest period. Just turn off the oven after the recommended cooking time of 5 minutes per pound, then walk away for a couple of ours. Opening the oven will release the heat that continues to cook the roast even after the oven is turned off. If you are worried about overcooking, a remote temperature probe stuck into the middle of the roast will let you know when the roast reaches the target temperature of 130 degrees.
1. Preheat the oven to 500 degrees
2. As the oven heats, coat the roast all over with your favorite wild-game spices, or keep it simple with a paste of salt, pepper, minced garlic and a little olive oil.
3. Set the roast in a Dutch oven or shallow roasting pan and place it in the pre-heated oven. Let cook five minutes per pound for medium rare, or 7 minutes per pound for medium. Turn off the oven and walk away. Do not open the oven door!
4. Let the venison roast rest in the warm oven for two hours. After the two hours is up, remove the roast from the oven and slice as thinly as possible.