The best trophy after a successful day of fishing isn’t just the glory of posing with your prize catch. It’s also the bragging rights of preparing fish so fresh, it practically swims to the table.
Fish cooks quickly and is so versatile, not to mention delicious and packed full of nutrients.
There are dozens of ways to cook fresh fish, so let’s focus on three basic techniques: frying, grilling and baking. Let's assume you've caught a slew of panfish. You'll begin by filleting using these simple steps for filleting panfish, and let the cooking begin.
1. Pan Fried Fish
One of the best ways to cook fresh fish is to bread it and fry it. Make sure the oil is at least 375 degrees and that you have completely coated the fish with batter. Add one fish to the pan at a time to allow the oil to stay warm. Try this tasty fried perch recipie that calls for garlic and dill weed.
2. Grilled Fish
Grilling fresh fish is one of the best ways to ensure the meat stays tender and flavorful. Make sure the grill is as hot as you can make it – searing a fish locks in all the flavor and juices.
It also helps to coat the grill with oil to prevent the fish from sticking. The basic rule is to cook fish 8 minutes per inch of thickness. Try these tips and delicious recipes for grilling fish.
3. Baked Fish
Baking is the simplest way to prepare fish and the best method for a beginner. Your main focus is making sure it does not overcook in the oven. After setting the temperature to 450 degrees, clean and dry your fillet with cold water and season it with salt and pepper. Add a liquid to the pan, such as water, white wine, butter or oil, to prevent the fish from drying out. Allow 8 to 10 minutes baking time per inch of thickness. Here are recipes for smoked and baked trout that make your mouth water.
Fish is a delicate meat to prepare, which can be intimidating for a novice. Just remember, you’ve already tackled the hard part – catching the fish. Now it’s on to the fun part – enjoying the fruits of your labor. Dig in!