Jeff Knapp News & Tips

News & Tips: Hunters & Habitat: The Perfect Partnership...

Hunters & Habitat: The Perfect Partnership

Earlier this year my frequent grouse hunting partner Art Hamley and I spent a day chasing old ruff on various parcels…
News & Tips: Sole Searching: Find the Perfect Wading Boot Sole...

Sole Searching: Find the Perfect Wading Boot Sole

You know that feeling you had in school, the one where you tipped your chair back just a bit too far? Taking a fateful…
News & Tips: 4 Reasons Spinners Out-Fish Flies for Winter Trout...

4 Reasons Spinners Out-Fish Flies for Winter Trout

Here in northwestern Pennsylvania it’s the time of year when you take advantage of whatever outdoor opportunities…
News & Tips: Use Jigging Spoons to Catch More Fish in Cold Water...

Use Jigging Spoons to Catch More Fish in Cold Water

After launching my boat in the river the other day, my sonar unit registered a water temp of 35 degrees—Burrr! …
News & Tips: Cheap & Effective: How to Tie Your Own Bucktail Jigs...

Cheap & Effective: How to Tie Your Own Bucktail Jigs

There is a certain joy in potential. After applying a coat of super glue to the collar wrap, I removed the bucktail jig…
News & Tips: Cheap & Effective: How to Tie Your Own Bucktail Jigs...

How to Go Baitless and Still Catch Fall River Walleyes Like a Pro

Gulp Alive minnows are a great alternative in the winter months. They are durable and convenient to store. Plus, they…
News & Tips: Think Fly Fishing for Brown Trout is Child’s Play? Then Try Central Pennsylvania Streams in the Fall...

Think Fly Fishing for Brown Trout is Child’s Play? Then Try Central Pennsylvania Streams in the Fall

Among autumn’s challenges is finding the time to squeeze in the many outdoor opportunities that exist at this time of…
News & Tips: Snap Jigging vs Finesse Fishing - More Than One Way to Jig a Jig...

Snap Jigging vs Finesse Fishing - More Than One Way to Jig a Jig

Leadhead jigs are a mainstay of bass and walleye anglers, especially during the spring and fall, when the water is cold…
News & Tips: 6 Low-Water Fly Fishing Tips for Great Lakes Steelhead...

6 Low-Water Fly Fishing Tips for Great Lakes Steelhead

The southern shore of Lake Erie that stretches across portions of Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York, known by many…
News & Tips: Pros and Cons of Dropping the Anchor When Fishing for River bass...

Pros and Cons of Dropping the Anchor When Fishing for River bass

Normally a mobile approach to fishing river smallmouth is preferred, but there are certain conditions that call for…
News & Tips: 4 Tips for Using Live Bait to Catch Bass This Fall...

4 Tips for Using Live Bait to Catch Bass This Fall

Like many of you, I use artificial fishing baits and lures 95 percent of the time when targeting bass.  But if there’s…
News & Tips: Why You Need St. Croix’s Legend X  — The Muscle Car of Fly Rods for Battling the Big Boys...

Why You Need St. Croix’s Legend X — The Muscle Car of Fly Rods for Battling the Big Boys

Having had the chance to test St. Croix’s Legend X fly rod in a variety of venues during the past several months, I can…