
News & Tips: Turkey Hunt: 7 Reasons Why Toms Hang Up & 10 Tricks to Get Them to Respond...

Turkey Hunt: 7 Reasons Why Toms Hang Up & 10 Tricks to Get Them to Respond

April 22, 2016
Conditions seemed perfect for a spring turkey hunt. Azure skies. Calm winds. No rain, sleet or snow. No other hunters around. And the tom I’d located was gobbling back aggressively. At the start,…
News & Tips: Bad-Weather Birds: How to Turkey Hunt in Inclement Conditions...

Bad-Weather Birds: How to Turkey Hunt in Inclement Conditions

April 17, 2015
Picture the perfect spring turkey hunting day and it would be something like this: vivid blue skies, crisp air, and a hint of wind to keep the bugs at bay. Reality is rarely so kind. Instead, a…
News & Tips: 17 Signs From Nature That Can Help You Predict the Weather (video)...

17 Signs From Nature That Can Help You Predict the Weather (video)

October 5, 2014
Thick leaden clouds blanketed the sky and the air had a heavy, raw feel as we pushed off into the emerald green river. But at least temperatures hovered above freezing. We were embarking on a 10-mile…
News & Tips: Tips to Prevent Autumn Campfires From Turning into Wildfires...

Tips to Prevent Autumn Campfires From Turning into Wildfires

October 1, 2014
Tough to find a more pleasing experience than sitting around a cozy campfire during autumn. However, campfires can also escape the fire pit and become a roaring, damaging wildfire in only a few…
News & Tips: How to Turn a Rainy Day Into an Incredible Hiking Experience...

How to Turn a Rainy Day Into an Incredible Hiking Experience

September 26, 2014
Arrive at any trailhead, even popular ones, on a rainy day and your vehicle will likely be the only one there. Rainy days on the trail can be uncomfortable while backpacking, but for a day hike, don’…
News & Tips: 5 Tips to Overcome Cold Front Conditions When Fishing for Bass...

5 Tips to Overcome Cold Front Conditions When Fishing for Bass

October 31, 2013
We've all had to face it at one time or another -- waking up on the day of your fishing trip to a chill in the air and bluebird skies to boot. What you are experiencing is the passing of a cold front…
News & Tips: Best Bet for Brown Trout

Best Bet for Brown Trout

April 4, 2013
The brown trout (Salmo trutta) is possibly the most popular of all the trout species targeted by fly fishers. Be it their willingness to rise to dead-drifted dry flies or give chase to a swinging…