Top 10 Blog 2013

News & Tips: Deep-to-Shallow Crankbaits

Deep-to-Shallow Crankbaits

October 9, 2013
When the bass bite starts to cool down in autumn's chilling waters, the answer is often right behind you. Fishing crankbaits from deep to shallow provides a different look, and one that keeps the…
News & Tips: Travel Blog: Fresh Creek, Andros Island, Bahamas...

Travel Blog: Fresh Creek, Andros Island, Bahamas

October 8, 2013
Thanks, Facebook! In the last few years, the world has grown profoundly more interrelated and accessible due in no small measure to the social networking web sites. During that span, I refocused my…
News & Tips: 3 Topwater Baits for Early-Summer Fishing...

3 Topwater Baits for Early-Summer Fishing

May 15, 2013
It’s May, and just about every fishery in the United States is in summer pattern now. Up north, you might be in late post-spawn, and down south your summertime bite is getting good. No matter where…

Alabama Rig Fishing, Part 1

March 27, 2013
In this blog, I will discuss the proper equipment needed to successfully fish the all-popular A-Rig. Then I will cover proper rigging of the A-rig in part 2 of this blog, and then in the 3rd and…
News & Tips: KNAPS: Not Your Ordinary Outdoor Program...

KNAPS: Not Your Ordinary Outdoor Program

March 14, 2013
Dennis Jasper identified a need among children of single parents and children with disabilities. Thus began the Kids Need a Place to Start outdoor program in St. James, Mo., in 2008. Jasper has not…
News & Tips: Outdoor Survival Guide: 5 Everyday Items Repurposed for Survival...

Outdoor Survival Guide: 5 Everyday Items Repurposed for Survival

January 11, 2013
With a little creativity, even the most mundane items can be used for other than their intended purposes -- and that even extends to uses for survival in the outdoors. Tip: Beginner Survival Skills:…
News & Tips: Lessons from Milo Hanson's World Record Hunt...

Lessons from Milo Hanson's World Record Hunt

January 3, 2013
  Milo Hanson and his 213 5/8 world record typical whitetail buck. Few whitetail hunters today have enough hunting land available to track a buck for miles until they catch up with it. Most…
News & Tips: That Ain’t No Bull - The Redfish are Running...

That Ain’t No Bull - The Redfish are Running

December 14, 2012
That ain’t no bull when I tell you the redfish are running -- the “bull” redfish. I live and work and fish in Venice, Louisiana. This area is at the mouth of the Mississippi River and is known as the…
News & Tips: What Fishing Rod Should I Buy for Bass Fishing...

What Fishing Rod Should I Buy for Bass Fishing

October 22, 2012
When I was a first became interested in bass fishing as a kid, I had the same question and no one to ask. My high school fishing buddy, Hank, had a subscription to Sports Afield Magazine and would…