hunting gear

News & Tips: Traditional Archery: Game Plan for Turkeys...

Traditional Archery: Game Plan for Turkeys

March 28, 2013
Here's a confession: I've never taken a wild turkey with my longbow. In fact, I've never even tried. It's not the gear nor the difficulties associated with coming to full draw on a gobbler that have…
Hunter scoping in his next shoot

Caliber Choices

March 27, 2013
No matter the wild game you're hunting there's an ammo caliber designed for it. Benchrest target shooters strive for tiny groups measured with a micrometer rather than a ruler. Their caliber of…

Turkey Hunting 101

March 22, 2013
When it comes to spring turkey hunting, getting out of bed and into the woods early is critical to your success. Turkeys are most vocal at dawn, so when the light is still dim it is often possible to…

How to Plan for a Turkey's Primary Defense

March 22, 2013
Because their great vision is their primary defense, turkeys feel very secure where they can see well and far. They frequently feed in pastures and meadows and gobblers love to strut their stuff out…

Springtime Means Turkey Time

March 22, 2013
If turkey season opened tomorrow, would you be ready? Have you been out shooting your bow or making sure your shotgun is patterned? How about your turkey calls, camo clothes, boots, decoys and…
News & Tips: A Buying Guide for Choosing the Best Turkey Hunting Blinds...

A Buying Guide for Choosing the Best Turkey Hunting Blinds

March 22, 2013
There was a time when hunting blinds were a luxury. Making a blind was difficult work: building the framework, cutting foliage to match the area and securing the foliage to the frame — not to mention…
News & Tips: Troubleshooting Your Turkey Hunt

Troubleshooting Your Turkey Hunt

March 13, 2013
Today's turkey hunters learn quickly. With the mass of media information available through magazines, outdoor TV shows,  DVDs and seminars, gobbler chasers are on top of the latest in tactics and…
News & Tips: Scouting Strategies for Spring Turkey

Scouting Strategies for Spring Turkey

March 7, 2013
It's a simple, stark truth. But it's one far too many of us who seek out long-bearded gobblers in spring ignore. The hunter who does the most preparation and puts the most work in before the opener…
News & Tips: Don't Let Back Pain Ruin Your Hunt

Don't Let Back Pain Ruin Your Hunt

March 5, 2013
Just before this past Christmas I suffered a bout of near-debilitating back pain. For many days I had trouble sleeping, walking or even just standing up straight, and I had to undergo medical…
News & Tips: Turkey Vest Buyer's Guide

Turkey Vest Buyer's Guide

March 4, 2013
Turkey hunting is one of the most exciting and fastest growing forms of hunting today. Wild turkeys are hunted in 49 States and four Canadian Provinces. Many of these places offer both a spring and…

Turkey Guns

March 1, 2013
A 12-gauge shotgun with a 3-inch chamber is probably the favorite of most turkey hunters but a 20-gauge will also do agood job at reasonable ranges and its lighter weight and recoil make it better…
News & Tips: Patterning Your Shotgun for Turkey

Patterning Your Shotgun for Turkey

February 27, 2013
While most hunters and shooters regularly sight in their rifles, shotguns are the Rodney Dangerfield of firearms "getting no respect" often sitting in a safe until season rolls around. Though…