How To Guide

News & Tips: Rope Knot Library: How to Tie the Constrictor Rope Knot...

Rope Knot Library: How to Tie the Constrictor Rope Knot

November 27, 2013
How to Tie a Constrictor Rope Knot A useful rope knot to tie up loose materials or the ends of bags. Simple to tie, it grips itself and will not work loose. Also known as the Miller’s Knot this knot…
News & Tips: The Dreaded Flinch - Part 1

The Dreaded Flinch - Part 1

November 26, 2013
I once had my mouth washed out with soap for swearing, but I’m going to take a chance anyway and use the “F-word” today: flinch. There, I said it.   Flinching is probably the number one cause of…
News & Tips: Manage Your Land for More Squirrels

Manage Your Land for More Squirrels

November 25, 2013
Squirrels are perhaps our most popular small game animals. Millions of hunters pursue them. Many people also enjoy feeding, watching and photographing squirrels.         If you would like to increase…
News & Tips: How to Tell When the Rut is Really Over...

How to Tell When the Rut is Really Over

November 23, 2013
Giving up on the rut is one of the biggest mistakes a deer hunter can make. And, it happens all the time. They see a lot of chasing and grunting and four bucks marching past their stand in a morning…
Buck resting in the sun

Open Country Whitetail Hunting Options

November 21, 2013
Most hunters firmly believe that pressured whitetails head deep into the dark forests, duck into the thickest brush found there, and hunker down and wait it out until hunting season passes. Being…
News & Tips: Copy of Owner Manual Library - Bass Pro Shops Bionic Plus Fishing Combos...

Owner Manual Library - Bass Pro Shops Bionic Plus Fishing Reels

November 19, 2013
Owner Manual & Limited Warranty information on the Bass Pro Shops® Bionic Plus Fishing Reels.On this page you'll find links to the Bionic Plus fishing reel owner manual information. For…
News & Tips: Going Unnoticed in the Field

Going Unnoticed in the Field

November 19, 2013
If you want to see this from your tree stand, you'll need to make sure they never knew you were there. It's one of the most common mistakes in deer hunting, yet one so easy to avoid with a little…
News & Tips: How to Survive a Bite from a Wild Animal...

How to Survive a Bite from a Wild Animal

November 19, 2013
When hunting, fishing, hiking or engaging in other outdoor sports, the opportunity arises for us to observe and be near wild animals. These can be great experiences; however, along with those…
News & Tips: Getting Out of the "Rut"

Hunting the Fall Deer Cycle

November 16, 2013
The more time we spend around whitetails, the more we realize they are cyclical animals. Nature has a certain rhythm and symmetry to it and whitetails are an integral part of it. They respond to the…
News & Tips: Recipes: Fig Stuffed Specklebelly Goose Breast (video)...

Recipes: Fig Stuffed Specklebelly Goose Breast (video)

November 15, 2013
This Goose recipe stuffed with fig, cream cheese and pecans can be fancied up for the most elegant dinner party, or camped down to impress the toughest critics at the lodge. It should take one hour…
News & Tips: Turn to Dead Bait for Hardwater Pike

Turn to Dead Bait for Hardwater Pike

November 15, 2013
Snow-covered landscapes and frozen bodies of water have a deliberate way of changing a pike angler's methods and routines. Gone are the oversized spinnerbaits, cranks and spoons — the familiar tools…
News & Tips: Cold Weather Tent Camping Tips

Cold Weather Tent Camping Tips

November 15, 2013
The leaves have completed their fall, exposing the tree skeleton; sure sign cold temps are on the horizon. A small percentage of avid tent campers are not intimidated by the chilling weather and keep…