For hunters using – or hoping to use – private lands during hunting season, it's essential to build and maintain strong relationships with landowners. Ways of doing so include being polite and considerate, leaving everything as you've found it, following the landowner's specific requests and simply acting as a respectful person and friend.
This also includes giving landowners thanks, in the form of a thank-you note, after using their private land.
Wondering how to get started with putting your thanks into words? Here are a few brief samples to help clear your writer's block:
Hunting Private Land Thank You Note Sample 1
Dear Mr. Landowner,
Thank you for granting me permission to hunt on your land. Your property is beautiful and peaceful; I'm happy to have experienced it firsthand while hunting.
Sometime this fall, I'd love to have you and your family over for a venison steak dinner. Please let me know which dates work best for you.
With sincere appreciation,
Danielle Jones
Hunting Private Land Thank You Note Sample 2
I truly appreciate the opportunity to hunt on your land.
Taking in the beauty of your wooded acreage on a crisp fall morning would be enough to make any outdoorsman's week, but the added experience of a successful harvest made my time on your land that much more special.
Please let me know of a good time to come by with some deer jerky for you and your family; I've prepared both BBQ and cajun flavors!
See you soon,
Hunting Private Land Thank You Note Sample 3
Dear David and Julie,
Thank you so much for giving me access to your land this hunting season.
I'm incredibly thankful for your kindness.
Warm wishes to you both this holiday season, and have a happy new year!
– Forrest Adams
Hunters: What do you do to show your thanks to landowners?