Try This Do-it-Yourself Duck Nesting Box Project from Ducks Unlimited

This is a great fun project for you and your kids that puts conservation in your hands. DU has created a Wood Duck Box building plan that is easy to follow with a list of materials you'll need and suggestions of where the best spot is to put your finished duck nesting box.
Wildlife management is a long-term commitment benefitting conservation of waterfowl hunting and so is your duck nesting box. Wood duck nesting locations are limited and your duck nesting box will likely be used for many seasons.
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So consider committing to doing yearly maintenance to keep the nest boxes ready for new tenants. Late fall through early spring is the best time for replacing materials and tighten loose screws and mounts.
Check out more details for building the nesting box, wildlife management and the many wood duck photos at the Ducks Unlimited website. Download DU's duck nesting box building plans (PDF) and read more about why wood duck nesting boxes are important.
Read the full Wood Duck Resources article at Ducks Unlimited.
Some Cool Facts About Wood Ducks From The Cornell Lab of Ornithology – All About Birds
- Natural cavities for nesting are scarce, and the Wood Duck readily uses nest boxes provided for it. If nest boxes are placed too close together, many females lay eggs in the nests of other females.
- The Wood Duck nests in trees near water, sometimes directly over water, but other times up to 2 km (1.2 mi) away. After hatching, the ducklings jump down from the nest tree and make their way to water. The mother calls them to her, but does not help them in any way. The ducklings may jump from heights of up to 89 m (290 ft) without injury.
- The Wood Duck is a popular game bird, and is second only to the Mallard in numbers shot each year in the United States.
- Wood Ducks pair up in January, and most birds arriving at the breeding grounds in the spring are already paired. The Wood Duck is the only North American duck that regularly produces two broods in one year.