Wood Ducks

News & Tips: Spring Wood Duck Box Maintenance Tips

Wood Duck Nesting Box Spring Maintenance Tips

March 2, 2014
Especially in the southeastern states, the wood duck plays an important role as one of the top ducks in the hunter's bag. The federal limit per day per hunter for wood ducks was raised from two…
Duck Nesting Box Instructions

DIY Wood Duck Nest Boxes

February 21, 2014
Try This Do-it-Yourself Duck Nesting Box Project from Ducks Unlimited Graphic by Ducks UnlimtedThis is a great fun project for you and your kids that puts conservation in your hands. DU has created…
News & Tips: Wood Duck Wisdom

Wood Duck Wisdom

September 13, 2013
Wood duck hunting has a special place in my heart. The first bird I ever shot was a drake woody that catapulted out of the pickerel weeds just ahead of my canoe. The memory of that duck, rising…