Make Earth Day a Yearlong Event

News & Tips: Make Earth Day a Yearlong Event

Consider making Earth Day a yearlong event by making a positive impact in your community.

Earth Day is April 22 this year. We humans have definitely put some stress on our planet during our existence. It seems impossible for a species to create such an impact in such a short time, but here we are just the same.

EarthDayYearlong blogGlobal warming. Do you believe it? I don't think it really matters if we believe we caused it or simply adding to the natural cycle of climate change. It is happening and it will likely continue. So should we just throw our arms up and say, "Oh well; so be it", or should we conservationists continue to practice stewardship toward our planet?

One person can make a difference by putting forth a bit of effort on and around their local plot of the planet. By simply purchasing a hunting and/or fishing license, you are putting funds into the hands of natural resource managers, which are educated with experience and scientific information to manage the planet. The same goes when wildlife diversity stamps and auto license plates displaying wildlife and wilderness (extra fee going to state departments of natural resources) are purchased. By joining one or more of the diverse, nationwide wildlife and/or natural resource focused organizations, a portion of your membership dues go straight to making a difference. And by donating some of your time, the impact is even bigger.

Local sportsmen clubs do amazing things for not only the hunting and angling community, but for wildlife enthusiasts that carry binoculars and a camera instead of a gun or bow, hikers and campers too. Planned events to perform stream clean up days not only helps improve the scenery, it also improves the fishing and other streamside recreational activities such as much needed family outings. Being a part of a club helps with organizing conservation projects, but individuals can also put together a drive for improved wild places and pursuits. Many outdoorsmen/women already do so and that is a great act of a true conservationist. Especially so if a youngster joins them and is witness to the efforts. Passing along our outdoors heritage is not the only objective. Caring for our earth, one step at a time, is the ultimate gift to pass to our children.

By joining a local outdoor club, a nationwide organization, gathering buddies for a day of clean up or tree planting, or set a good example to the rising generation of earth huggers is needed more now than ever. Look through your garage and see what can be recycled and do so. Offer to help an elderly neighbor manage their property for, if not hunting, simply to improve wildlife habitat and improve appreciation of natural things. Create groups of volunteers from your church, neighborhood, workplace or family to attack a negatively impacting element to the natural resources in your area. Simply put: each earthling should become a better conservationist. By either planting a tree or buying a hunting license, fishing license or DNR benefiting license plates, the Earth, our world, will experience the impact — a positive impact.