Outdoor World Radio Show

Ruffed Grouse & Fine Gun Experts on Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World Radio

This week Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World radio host Rob Keck will highlight Ruffed Grouse expert Dan Dessecker, the Director of Conservation Policy at the Ruffed Grouse Society/American Woodcock Society and Bass Pro Shops fine gun expert Bart Miller, Manager of The Fi

Hunting Celebrity Dads & Daughters Featured on Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World Radio

Joining host Rob Keck on Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World Radio is an all-star lineup featuring hunting celebs and their daughters. Honored guests include: Jim and Eva Shockey, Craig and Brittany Boddington, and Ben Carter and Allison Ruth Carter.

Hunter & Wildlife Biologist Dr. Grant Woods on Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World Radio

Joining host Rob Keck on Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World Radio will be Dr. Grant Woods, wildlife biologist and host of GrowingDeer.tv.  Prepare for an in-depth conversation about whitetail deer behavior, hunting, and habitat management.

Professional Hunter Bob Foulkrod Featured on Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World Radio

Joining host Rob Keck on Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World Radio will be Bob Foulkrod, professional hunter, host of Winchester’s “Legends”, and member of the RedHead Pro Hunting Team.

NSSF & Dogwood Canyon Park Featured on Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World Radio (video)

Tune into Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World radio to catch up on recent education efforts by the National Shooting Sports Foundation and to hear about the latest developments on a little piece of heaven in the Ozarks, Dogwood Canyon Nature Park. Joining host Rob Keck will be Bill Brassard Jr., Director of Communications of the NSSF, and Chad Phillips, Property Manager of Dogwood Canyon Nature Park.

Fishing Gear Trends & New Wildlife Museum Featured on Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World Radio

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – Tune in to Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World Radio to catch up on new trends in fishing tackle and the latest developments on the America’s Wildlife Museum & Aquarium in Springfield, MO.  Joining host Rob Keck will be Joe Kinard, Internet Specialist for Fishing and Marine at Bass Pro Shops, and Misty Mitchell, Director of America’s Wildlife Museum and Aquarium. This hour-long radio show will air on Saturday, August 1, 2015 at 10 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Pheasants, Quail and a New Shooting Academy are on Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World Radio

Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World radio will feature Jared Wiklund, Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever spokesperson, and Luke Snyder, Event Director for the new Bass Pro Shops Shooting Academy. Join host Rob Keck for this hour-long radio show on Saturday, July 25, 2015 at 10 a.m. and 5 p.m.