Camping Information

Know Thy Snakes

According to the Chinese zodiac, it's the year of the snake. The year is said to be characterized by intelligence and a tendency for corruption. You be the judge. Regardless, it's a good excuse to study up on snakes, especially identification and behaviors of these reptiles so essential to the health of our ecosystem.

How to Maximize Space in Camping Tents

You never really know how limited space is in a camping tent until you're forced to spend several hours in it seeking shelter from a heavy rainstorm. Of course, the actual size of the tent and the number of people in it impacts available space, but there are interior options, accessories and packing habits that can help you maximize tent space and interior comfort. Here are a few tips on how to make the most of the space inside your tent. 

How to Camp Cooler During Hot Weather

The summer is heating up and so is tent camping — literally. Some tent campers skip the hot temps of mid-summer and pitch tents when the temps drop a few degrees. Other tent campers brave the hot nights and hotter days and adjust their summer camping techniques to enjoy a cooler camp.