
Plate of stuffed venison backstrap

Stuffed Venison Backstrap

February 15, 2023
A Delicious Recipe for a Stuffed Venison Backstrap Hannah McCauley of Whitetail Heaven Outfitters demonstrates how to make a delicious stuffed venison backstrap. Hannah uses the Speedy Plus Instant…
Venison, potatoes & egg dish

A Hearty Venision Breakfast Dish Recipe

February 15, 2023
A sportsman's breakfast. Wake up to this lean, mean, hearty venison breakfast dish at camp or at home. Great for deer, elk, or moose meat marinaded for taste and tenderness. Prep Time: 20 minutes (8…
Stuffed Venison Backstrap

Stuffed Pesto & Cheese Venison Backstrap Recipe

February 15, 2023
Here is a tasty meat for any occasion, a stuffed venison backstrap. Use deer or elk meat and marinade for a delicious flavor and tenderness. Use what Cabela's uses to spice up all of your favorite…
Venison backstrap

3 Ways to Butcher a Deer, Elk Backstrap

January 25, 2022
The Choicest Cut of Deer, Elk, Moose The backstrap, or loin, of a deer, elk, moose or other big-game animal is considered the choicest cut. Because the long, lean muscle does not do a lot of work…
News & Tips: 4 Recipes: Wild Game for the Big Game – Nothing Better...

4 Recipes: Wild Game for the Big Game – Nothing Better (video)

January 15, 2020
Super Bowl Sunday somehow seems to coincide with the time of the year when you discover those packages of wild game meat in the freezer. Yes, the hunting gods are smiling on you when that happens.…

Choice Cuts Of Venison Meat

June 24, 2019
Much like domestic beef, wild ungulates have many different muscle groups, each with their own best use. While it isn’t a disaster if the meat doesn’t come off the bone in perfectly separated muscle…
Skinned deer ready for butchering

Cuts of Meat - Know What Resides Under the Hide

June 15, 2019
With the exception of size, most ungulates (hoofed animals) have extremely similar builds. For instance, below is a skinned fallow deer. It looks and breaks down the same as skinned animals that are…
Skinned deer ready for butchering

Cuts of Meat - Know What Resides Under the Hide

June 15, 2019
 With the exception of size, most ungulates (hoofed animals) have extremely similar builds. For instance, below is a skinned fallow deer. It looks and breaks down the same as skinned animals that are…
News & Tips: Bow Hunting Whitetails 2015: Red Hot Doe Patrol (video)...

Bow Hunting Whitetails 2015: Red Hot Doe Patrol (video)

October 30, 2015
The team gets red hot deer hunting action when on opening day of bow season the Iowa Pro Staff team arrows 4 does in one hour! Then watch a second whitetail bow hunt where Seth kills a…
News & Tips: 2015 Bow Hunts: Buck Down! Doe Down! Meat for the Freezer! (video)...

2015 Bow Hunts: Buck Down! Doe Down! Meat for the Freezer! (video)

October 22, 2015
Bow hunting whitetails with GrowingDeer hunting action where patience and planning pay off. Two deer hunts with two different strategies! Watch as Raleigh, then Daniel, get in the…
News & Tips: Submitted Recipes: Venison Jerky

Submitted Recipes: Venison Jerky

November 5, 2013
If you have a favorite jerky recipe you'd like to share on Bass Pro 1Source, email it to Photos are also welcome! photo by Arlin Crane, Allrecipes Whitetail Deer Jerky Posted…
News & Tips: A Sweet Take on Preparing Venison

A Sweet Take on Preparing Venison

September 11, 2013
Whether they involve roasting, grilling, stewing or frying, the final outcome of most venison recipes is a spicy- or savory-flavored dish. While these preparation methods are certainly…