Safety Tip

News & Tips: 7 Sure-Fire Ways to Guard Your Hunting Dog From Overheating (infographic)...

5 Ways to Keep Your Hunting Dog Safe & Happy in the Field & On the Water

January 24, 2014
Though hunting dogs and water dogs are naturally built to thrive out in the field and on the water, a few creature comforts can help to keep them happier and safer in these environments. Check Out…
News & Tips: Windchill: What You Need to Know to Stay Safe This Winter...

Windchill: What You Need to Know to Stay Safe This Winter

December 17, 2013
The windchill index is used to calculate how cold air feels on exposed skin, taking into account the actual air temperature as well as the speed of the wind. Understanding the windchill, its effects…
News & Tips: Winter Hiking Season Safety

Winter Hiking Season Safety

December 13, 2013
The trail was covered with a couple inches of snow — obviously not winter tundra conditions — but the trail conditions required hikers' attention. I was within ear shot of the trailhead parking lot.…
News & Tips: Hike Safe: Sharing the Woods With Hunters...

Hike Safe: Sharing the Woods With Hunters

November 8, 2013
Pay attention to signs prohibiting hiking, especially in fall and winter months, as it could be closed off due to hunting. The family of four froze in their tracks, as a doe bounded across the trail…
News & Tips: Hard Lessons on Gun Safety

Hard Lessons on Gun Safety

November 6, 2013
Looking into the barrel of a loaded shotgun is as horrifying as gazing into the maw of a rabid dog. Looking into the barrel of a loaded shotgun held by your son is more horrifying still.         Had…
First Ice, be safe! by First Ice, be safe!

First Ice Safety Tips for Ice Fishermen

November 5, 2013
Ice fishermen are probably one of the most dedicated groups of anglers to their sport in the world. Just about anywhere there are fish and a walkable coating of ice, anglers will be there drilling…
Man wearing head net

How to Protect Yourself Against Biting and Stinging Bugs

November 1, 2013
Dealing with insects is a given for anglers and hunters as our activities regularly put us in bad bug situations. West Nile virus, Lyme disease and allergic-reaction-causing stings are all potential…
News & Tips: Autumn Campfire Safety

Autumn Campfire Safety

October 18, 2013
For many campers, there is not a more pleasing time of year to sit around a cozy campfire than during the autumn months. Although, campfires can also become a roaring, damaging wildfire in only a few…
News & Tips: Hunting Safely in Bear Country

Hunting Safely in Bear Country

October 14, 2013
Seeing a bear while hunting is always thrilling. Sometimes it's a good thrill like seeing your first bald eagle. Other times it's a scary thrill, like seeing a rattlesnake coiled near your feet.…
News & Tips: Taking Tree Stand Safety Seriously

Taking Tree Stand Safety Seriously

September 19, 2013
Two hunting seasons ago, I found myself doing a desperate and unexpected chin-up to pull myself back into the climber portion of my climbing tree stand — the platform had just slipped out from under…
News & Tips: Autumn Fishing Safety Tips

Autumn Fishing Safety Tips

September 16, 2013
Fall is almost here, which means that some of the year's best fishing is just around the corner. Cold winds and cooling water temperatures are another reality of autumn fishing. Most anglers I know…
News & Tips: How to Build a Safe Campfire (video)

How to Build a Safe Campfire (video)

August 23, 2013
When people think of camping, the first image that comes to mind is probably of a group of friends or family members gathered around a blazing campfire, laughing, telling stories or roasting hot dogs…