Pike fishing

News & Tips: A Primer on Pike—Lures and Tactics for Catching Northern Pike...

A Primer on Pike—Lures and Tactics for Catching Northern Pike

February 20, 2019
No fish in freshwater can match the ferocity and gluttonous feeding habits of the great northern pike. There is plenty of good pike fishing in the U.S., but often the most spectacular fishing comes…
Big Pike  by Big Pike

Targeting Big Pike Through the Ice With Jason Mitchell

January 3, 2019
By Jason Mitchell Northern pike have a rap sheet with ice anglers.  These top end carnivores have always held a special place in ice fishing lore simply for their attitude.  Some of my earliest ice…
News & Tips: A Case for Fishing Big Pike

A Case for Fishing Big Pike

April 1, 2016
Northern pike are such an incredible predator.  Smooth and sleek with the curves of the most expensive sport car.  Rows of teeth that resemble tooth picks.  Amazing acceleration.  Pike are cool and…
News & Tips: Why You Need St. Croix’s Legend X  — The Muscle Car of Fly Rods for Battling the Big Boys...

Why You Need St. Croix’s Legend X — The Muscle Car of Fly Rods for Battling the Big Boys

October 23, 2014
Having had the chance to test St. Croix’s Legend X fly rod in a variety of venues during the past several months, I can say it’s one sleek fly rod.  If it had four wheels it would be a muscle car,…
News & Tips: Do You Know Which Fish Species Hears the Best?...

Do You Know Which Fish Species Hears the Best?

October 9, 2014
Tips on how anglers can use sound to their advantage. Unlike humans, fish have two sensors for detecting sound: the inner ear and the lateral line. These two systems work independently of each other…
News & Tips: Read the Weeds for Unbelievable Fall Pike Fishing...

Read the Weeds for Unbelievable Fall Pike Fishing

October 8, 2014
In some respects the fall fishing season can be difficult for anglers because of cold weather, rough water and the weed beds dying off. However, for the dedicated pike fisherman, these conditions can…

3 Ways to Heavy Up Your Muskie and Northern Pike Fishing Gear

October 6, 2014
Fishing northern waters is nothing like bass fishing. The fish are picky, and where they’re at one day isn’t necessarily where they’re at the next. The same goes for presentation and lures. What…
News & Tips: Gamefish Love Shallow-Diving Crankbaits in Thin Water...

Gamefish Love Shallow-Diving Crankbaits in Thin Water

July 5, 2014
When bass, pike and walleye venture into thigh-deep water, many anglers turn to topwater plugs. While these can be effective, sometimes skinny-water fish just won't surface feed.   The Bomber…
News & Tips: How to Cut 5 Boneless Fillets: Northern Pike & Chain Pickerel  (infographic)...

How to Cut 5 Boneless Fillets: Northern Pike & Chain Pickerel (infographic)

July 1, 2014
Caught from cold water, the firm, white flesh of northern pike or chain pickerel will rival fillets from any freshwater fish.  Some think pike is the best eating of all!  However, the pike’s bones…
News & Tips: Learn the Basics of Pike Behavior for Spring Fly Fishing...

Learn the Basics of Pike Behavior for Spring Fly Fishing

May 21, 2014
Although the Northern Midwest is known for countless miles of pristine trout streams and lakes, every year anglers are discovering how fun and exciting spring pike fishing can be. Fly anglers need…
News & Tips: Don't Get Caught Unprepared for Spring Weather...

Don't Get Caught Unprepared for Spring Weather

March 27, 2014
When the longer days and warmer temperatures of springtime arrive, there’s nothing better than getting outside and enjoying yourself.  That said, springtime weather can seemingly change at the drop…
News & Tips: From Top to Bottom Fishing for Winter Pike...

From Top to Bottom Fishing for Winter Pike

February 20, 2014
Through the many years of pursuing northern pike through the ice, one aspect that stands out from the rest about their ice-time habits – and one that most folks overlook – is that these toothy…