muskie fishing

Muskie angler at Lake Shelbyville holding a muskie

Best Places to Fish in Illinois: Lake Shelbyville

June 18, 2020
Lake Shelbyville is one of Illinois’ premier fishing resources and is recognized for its largemouth bass, crappie, white bass, muskie and walleye opportunities. Crappie are the main attraction on…
Nice Top Water Muskie Boated By Pros4- 1Source's Keith Worrall

June is Muskie Topwater Month!

June 16, 2020
by Pros4- 1Source Muskies are probably one of the least understood game fish for particularly good reason- they constantly seem to intentionally disprove what we are sure we as anglers think we ‘…
News & Tips: Catch More Muskie Casting With the Easy Figure-8 Maneuver (video)...

Catch More Muskie Casting With the Easy Figure-8 Maneuver (video)

May 30, 2017
The figure eight is a fishing technique used by muskie anglers. This retrieve maneuver is nothing new in the muskie world, yet few anglers have truly mastered this incredible retrieve technique. When…
News & Tips: Pete Maina: 10 Secrets to Trolling for Muskie...

Pete Maina: 10 Secrets to Trolling for Muskie

November 30, 2016
Muskie expert Pete Maina is a master at targeting monster muskies during the fall when he sets his casting rods aside to troll for trophy fish.  One thing is for certain ... Pete knows how to fish…
News & Tips: Quiz: Are You Ready to Catch the Biggest Muskie of Your Life?...

Quiz: Are You Ready to Catch the Biggest Muskie of Your Life?

September 26, 2016
From Labor Day until freeze up is when muskies put on the feedbag. Any angler worthy of the name “muskie hunter” knows if he or she is ever going to catch  “50” – inches or pounds—this is when it’s…
New World Record Released Muskie

New World Record Muskie Released

January 22, 2016
Dominic Hoyos of Stillwater, Minn. and Dean Block of Ramsay, Minn. are hardcore muskie anglers. This pair hardly pursues muskies until the middle of the summer and then truly focuses on big fish when…
Under utilized fishing opportunities can often create some true trophy fishing experiences in the upper Midwest.  Pictured is Red River Guide Josh Burgett and outdoor television host Jason Mitchell st...

Five Great Fishing Destinations

April 8, 2015
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and such is the case of fish popularity.  Walleyes for example are held in snob regard across the upper Midwest.  Trout purists hold down the west and everyone…
Are muskies the fish of 10,000 casts? Not if you gather a selection of key lures and keep one of them in the water at all times. And a positive attitude helps keep you casting through the slow times. ...

Muskie Fishing Basics: Locations, Timing, and Lures

March 16, 2015
Sometimes muskie fishermen seem to spend as much time in bait shops as they do on the water. Muskie hunters seem to need all the latest and greatest baits in order to catch that one fish of ten…
News & Tips: Why You Need St. Croix’s Legend X  — The Muscle Car of Fly Rods for Battling the Big Boys...

Why You Need St. Croix’s Legend X — The Muscle Car of Fly Rods for Battling the Big Boys

October 23, 2014
Having had the chance to test St. Croix’s Legend X fly rod in a variety of venues during the past several months, I can say it’s one sleek fly rod.  If it had four wheels it would be a muscle car,…
News & Tips: Light Tackle Muskies?

Light Tackle Muskies?

October 8, 2014
I fished a bass tournament on Barbee Chain of Lakes in Warsaw, Ind. It was May -- chilly, about 65 degrees and sunny. We set out for a day of bass fishing but soon found things would quickly change.…

3 Ways to Heavy Up Your Muskie and Northern Pike Fishing Gear

October 6, 2014
Fishing northern waters is nothing like bass fishing. The fish are picky, and where they’re at one day isn’t necessarily where they’re at the next. The same goes for presentation and lures. What…
News & Tips: Tips for Fishing Fall and Winter Southern Muskie...

Tips for Fishing Fall and Winter Southern Muskie

September 30, 2014
It may surprise you to learn that the fabled toothy monster of the Far North, the muskellunge, occurs in a growing number of lakes and rivers throughout Dixie. In highland reservoirs, where muskies…