Meat Processing

Bilton - jerky meat from South Africa

Biltong - The Other Dried Jerky Meat Recipe

June 26, 2020
As much as we enjoy jerky here in the United States, biltong is doubly popular in its home country of South Africa, and around the world as South African expatriates have carried the flavorful dried…
Hunter butchering deer meat

Hunter's harvest - The 5 Processing Tools You Need

June 10, 2020
Cabela's Ambassador Jim Shockey clues you in to the one thing he's never without on a hunt. Taking an animal from the field to the freezer is a big task, but one that’s easily doable for the DIY…

Butchering Breakdown – How to Cut Up Your Deer (video)

October 24, 2019
Breaking Down Big Game in 8 Simple Steps  While hunting is an enjoyable sport, it’s important to remember that we’ve taken to the woods as hunters for centuries, first and foremost, to provide food…

Build Your Own Walk-In Cooler

June 24, 2019
A DIY Walk-Cooler Is Easily Achievable, And At A Fraction Of The Cost You'd Expect CoolBot Temperature ControllerFor decades, walk-in coolers have required heavy, expensive and inefficient…

Trimming For Taste

June 24, 2019
Ridding your meat of fat and gnarly tissue We crave the melt-in-your-mouth richness of densely marbled meat produced by cows. In fact, the fat of most domestic animals tends to be an appealing and…

Choice Cuts Of Venison Meat

June 24, 2019
Much like domestic beef, wild ungulates have many different muscle groups, each with their own best use. While it isn’t a disaster if the meat doesn’t come off the bone in perfectly separated muscle…

Big Game Hide Removal Tips

June 24, 2019
Processing 101: Big-Game Hide & Hair Removal Tips Outdoor Edge Butcher Max Knife SetGrowing up under the watchful eye of a custom butcher, there were a few things my brothers and I learned…
lady butchering meat

Why Butcher Your Own Big Game?

June 24, 2019
The Advantages Of Butchering & Eating Wild Game Cabela's Carnivore 1/2 HP Meat GrinderEven among hunters, butchering is often the point of disconnect between hunted animal and food on the plate…
News & Tips: 8 Easy Tips to Smoking Meat Like a Pro...

8 Easy Tips to Smoking Meat Like a Pro

November 12, 2014
Don’t let all the fuel options and soaking liquids scare you away from smoking meats, veggies and cheese. Keep a few simple guidelines in mind as you mix and match woods and soaking liquids for that…
News & Tips: 5 Hunting Accessories You Need to Make Field Dressing Deer Easier...

5 Hunting Accessories You Need to Make Field Dressing Deer Easier

October 16, 2014
It’s early in our bow season. I’ve got my stands placed and have watched a few deer show up under it. I haven’t arrowed an animal yet because I’m being selective in terms of size. When it comes to…
News & Tips: Hunting: The Ultimate Organic Food Source...

Hunting: The Ultimate Organic Food Source

March 18, 2014
After decades of declines, the number of hunters in certain areas of North America has actually increased in recent years. This bodes well for the future of hunting, as more hunters means more funds…
News & Tips: The Case for Professional Butchering

The Case for Professional Butchering

March 26, 2013
I've gutted my fair share of deer, moose and bears over the years, and I've also skinned a few along the way. But when it comes to butchering that tasty game meat, I want to make sure that I get all…