
News & Tips: Hunting Challenges: Bucks, Coyotes, and Trespassers  (video)...

Hunting Challenges: Bucks, Coyotes, and Trespassers (video)

January 4, 2019
Late season hunting tactics: see the strategies we're using for this stage of the season (0:01- 11:04), then it’s to the trap line where we’ve caught our first coyote of the season (11:05 - 13:07).…
coyote hunter on hill shooting

Hunters! Are Coyotes Not Responding? Maybe it's Your Set Up

January 4, 2019
The popularity of calling in wildlife predators in the last few years, specifically coyotes is fast becoming one of the top hunting categories. Calling coyotes is an exciting, adrenaline rush…
News & Tips: Contest Style Hunting Can Be Beneficial to the Everyday Coyote Hunter...

Contest Style Hunting Can Be Beneficial to the Everyday Coyote Hunter

December 4, 2018
There is a completely different style of calling predators which is referred to as “contest style” hunting. This is a fast paced style that requires the hunter to have the mindset during the hunt of…
News & Tips: 3 Advantages to Hunt Coyotes in Early Fall...

3 Advantages to Hunt Coyotes in Early Fall

October 31, 2018
As the leaves begin changing into their beautiful fall colors and the temperatures begin cooling more with each passing day, the desire to venture outdoors and hunt becomes a priority to a lot of…
News & Tips: Predator Hunt: How to Bring Your Target Coyote Closer With a Decoy (video)...

Predator Hunt: How to Bring Your Target Coyote Closer With a Decoy (video)

January 2, 2018
This past September while hunting coyotes near my hometown in southern Missouri, I positioned myself next to a large oak tree overlooking a cow pasture. The weather conditions were unfavorable…
News & Tips: 5 Tips for the Beginning Predator Hunter...

5 Tips for the Beginning Predator Hunter

December 20, 2017
One of my favorite things to do is to help instruct someone that is new to the hunting scene. Over the past few years, I have had the privilege to teach through seminars, talk with hunters, and to…
Deer: Copyright Denver Bryan/ Images On The Wildside 2016...

Four Summertime Critters Worth Your Time. Let’s Go Hunting!

August 11, 2017
Heat, humidity, mosquitoes, powerful thunderstorms – not the conditions that make many folks think, “Let’s go hunting.” However, if you just need to get out and apply your predatory skills … and burn…
News & Tips: How to Hunt Coyotes During Mating Season...

How to Hunt Coyotes During Mating Season (podcast)

February 16, 2017
Even though I hunt coyotes pretty much year round, if someone were to ask me to only pick one time of the year to hunt, it would be January/February. This is due to the fact that coyotes are much…
News & Tips: Our Best Predator Control Video Ever! We're Hunting and Trapping Coyotes (video)...

Our Best Predator Control Video Ever! We're Hunting and Trapping Coyotes (video)

February 8, 2017
Deer hunters are deer managers! At,managing whitetails also means managing the predator populations. This video kicks off with a "spot on" coyote hunt, then a bow hunt that highlights…
News & Tips: Is There a Perfect Firearm for Predator Hunting? Find Out...

Is There a Perfect Firearm for Predator Hunting? Find Out

January 16, 2017
Have you ever been in a situation while predator hunting and you feel as though you do not have the right firearm? Maybe a coyote was too far, maybe the wind was blowing too strong, or maybe a coyote…
Coyote hunter

5 Tips on Coyote Vocals & Hunting in the Early Season

October 17, 2016
Last October a good friend of mine invited me to hunt with him on his family farm in southern Missouri. They had witnessed several coyotes in their hayfield and were concerned for their livestock. My…
News & Tips: Skinning a Coyote Plus: Talking Whitetails with Troy Landry (video)...

Skinning a Coyote Plus: Talking Whitetails with Troy Landry (video)

February 23, 2015
Pete Dickenson an expert at preparing coyote pelts with Adam Keith of Before the visit with Troy, see how an expert taxidermist skins out a coyote (0:56 to 09:20). A passion for…