
Family at camp cooking over a campfire

A Guide to Campfire Cooking Basics (video)

June 24, 2020
In this how-to guide, the theme is on the basics of camp cooking and the equipment and supplies you will need to make great meals over the campfire as a family. How You Can Have the Perfect Camp…
News & Tips: Add Delicious Smoke Flavor to Your Camp Cooking (video)...

Add Delicious Smoke Flavor to Your Camp Cooking (video)

April 27, 2018
Part of what makes food cooked outdoors so especially delicious is the “smoke flavor” it takes on from cooking over a wood or charcoal fire. But to really absorb smoke, usually takes time – much…
Campfire Quiz

Are You a Campfire Super Hero? Take This Quiz to Find Out

March 14, 2018
At the core of every camping trip … of nearly every great outdoor experience, for that matter … is a campfire. That’s how 50 Campfires got its name – 50 states, 50 Campfires. So if you want to be…
News & Tips: Camping: 10 Easy Steps to Making an Upside Down Fire (video)...

Camping: 10 Easy Steps to Making an Upside Down Fire (video)

January 29, 2018
There are many ways to go about building a campfire, but in the final result one is not much different from another. You light the fire, then especially during its earliest stages, it requires…
7 fire starting secrets

7 Fire Starting Secrets of Campfire Pros (video)

December 28, 2017
When you want to light a campfire, you want it to start quickly. Both bragging rights and practicality come into play. The best campers, woodsmen, and women, always seem to get the fire going with a…
News & Tips: Campfire Tips for First Time Campers (video)...

Campfire Tips for First Time Campers (video)

May 20, 2016
Camping season is upon us and many people are thinking about finally going on that overnight adventure. First time campers often make a few mistakes that can turn a potentially great trip into a…
News & Tips: Rainy Camping Trips: 8 Must-Do's to Stay Dry...

Rainy Camping Trips: 8 Must-Do's to Stay Dry

June 13, 2014
Even though the weatherman may be right more often than not, weather patterns can be unpredictable. So that camping trip that was supposed to be dry and beautiful can turn into a soaked mudfest in…
News & Tips: 4 Ways to Make a Fire Without Matches or Lighter...

4 Ways to Make a Fire Without Matches or Lighter

May 13, 2014
A few decades ago, it would have been difficult to find an outdoorsman who couldn't start a campfire. Wood cookstoves and heating were used by almost everyone, and campfires brightened every outdoor…
News & Tips: 4 Multi-Purpose Campfire Cooking Tools & Campfire Recipes (video)...

4 Multi-Purpose Campfire Cooking Tools & Campfire Recipes (video)

July 24, 2013
Campfire cooking is often one of the best parts of camping or backpacking: It’s outdoor food preparation at its simplest that results in flavor-packed meals, which taste all the more delicious after…