Whatever works is never good enough when it comes to upland hunting for bobwhite quail. This type of bird hunting is all about the dog work, and no doubt the handler took time to commit to a certain breed or bloodline for their working canine. So it's definitely OK to pick and choose the upland gear that makes each visit to the bird woods a bit more enjoyable.
Even a seasoned bird dog will pick up some rust during the off-season. An electronic dog collar serves to reinforce the lessons learned in the past to round the dog into shape quickly. The D.T. Systems H2O 1850 dog collar is waterproof and the remote handset gives a one-mile radius over flat ground, providing both a nick button and a continuous shock button. This model also has the beeper and locater buttons, which are handy when the bird dog goes on point while out of sight. The beeper is very loud and easy to hear.
Leather boots always look sharp, but a waterproof lightweight leather boot is sometimes hard to come by. The Irish Setter brand lace up Havoc boot meets that criteria quite well right out of the box. These non-insulated boots are 10 inches tall and offer an athletic fit in the front and reliable traction on the sole. The leather upper will break in each trip through the woods, fitting better over time.
Hauling a couple boxes of shotgun shells is no hardship when on a quail hunt, but the load only increases along the way with each successful harvest. The Browning upland jacket with Bird'n Lite technology goes beyond comfort and style. It offers a built in shoulder harness and an extra strap that buckles at the waist to better distribute the weight of the birds and shells and to keep that weight from shifting. The feel is similar to wearing a backpack during a hike, and keeps your upland jacket and its contents secure.
A pair of gloves should allow one to handle shotgun shells, the dog's shock collar, blood and feathers from downed birds and cold weather. The RedHead Upland Field Gloves offer synthetic suede on the palms and a sensitive trigger finger. Whether leaning on a pine tree for a moment to reflect on a fine shot, or reaching for spent shells on the ground, this pair of gloves will become a fixture.
Finally, after any successful hunt the duty of cleaning your wild game must be addressed. The Gerber game shears make quick work of this task, with a solid snip of the head, then the wings, legs and backbone. Nothing finishes up your quail hunt on a positive note like an easy cleaning session so that the meat can be shared with family and friends.