Those silly bears. To them, it's their world and we're just living in it.
From late spring through summer, bear sightings caught on camera show us the cuteness, strength, determination and sometimes destruction these animals can possess. While watching a mama bear help her bears get off a busy highway may make us say "awwww," there are videos that remind us just how dangerous they are.
Because of that, we don't recommend getting close enough to get the latest viral bear video. And always remember to carry bear spray. For some good tips on bear awareness when in the outdoors, visit Recreating in Bear Country by Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks. And if you're wondering how you can avoid bears altogether (like in your home), the New Jersey Division of Fish & Wildlife has some tips here.
To keep on the lighter side, we decided to share our favorite videos of bears gone wild.
#1. "Only you can prevent forest fires."
#2. He's a little disappointed to be waiting so long for his pina colada.
#3. Our favorite part is around 1:10.
#4. After a long day of destroying trucks, who doesn't want a relaxing bath?
#5. Just a regular day in Alaska.
#6. Stanley was always showing off skills from his circus days.
#7. Bears: Dance, Scratch. What do you think?
#8. "Honey, we're going to need some bigger patches for the pool."
#9. I know you're home. I can smell salmon on the grill!
#10. Hope that hot tub has a filter rated for "bear fur."
Bonus video: This isn't really "Bears Gone Wild," but we thought it was too cool not to share.