Maximize the fun on your next outdoor adventure with these great campsite games.
While there is certainly plenty to keep you occupied in the great outdoors, it doesn't hurt to take along a few games to keep everyone entertained. From horseshoes to Catchphrase, here are some games to make your next camping trip even more fun.
Horseshoes: For That Competitive Edge
If a weekend away with friends isn't complete without some sort of competition, horseshoes is the perfect game to take along. You need minimal gear, just a set of horseshoes and two stakes.
You can score anywhere from one to four points per throw depending on how close you can get to the stake. The first team to reach 40 points wins, or you can determine the winner based on which team has the most points after 40 shoes each. For larger groups, set up a tournament of teams for an entire day of fun to see who can throw the most ringers and outscore the rest of the group for the overall win.
The More the Merrier: Games For Groups
Turn a crowd of strangers into friends with activities that engage the whole group. Team games encourage collaboration and make excellent ice-breakers.
Frisbee golf is always a hit, and this game offers a great way to explore the campgrounds. The fun doesn't have to end at dusk, however. Take this camping favorite to the next level with night disc golf. Simply attach a disk light to your Frisbee and adhere glowsticks to the targets.
*** is another great team game for large groups, especially if multiple *** sets are available for a tournament. Make it interesting by playing couples against couples, guys vs. girls or kids against grownups. Come up with your own way of mixing up the teams and, depending on your level of expertise, choose if you want to keep score or just have fun.
Around The Campfire
If the group would rather gather around the campfire, encourage everyone get to know each other a little better by playing an ice-breaker game such as Two Truths and a Lie on the first night. If you're already a tight-knit group, play games like Apples to Apples or Catchphrase for some post-sunset campfire fun. Or try Marshmallow Maverick: Every player roasts a marshmallow until it forms a thin charred skin. Peel the burnt layer off and repeat, until no marshmallow is left. The player who can do this the most times wins.