If you haven't already, you owe it to yourself to give kayak fishing a try. As far as a fishing platform goes, today's recreational or angling-specific models are lightyears ahead of products produced less than a decade ago. It's incredible how rapid kayak fishability has improved.
A big perk of kayaks is how they allow you to access angling opportunities that otherwise would be off-limits. Case in point, any public shoreline along a waterbody can serve as a put-in spot to launch a kayak. The same can't be said for powerboats requiring launch ramps. A kayak also draws very little water, making it easy to sneak up shallow creeks to access interconnected lakes. I've had some great bass adventures this way.
Kayaks are also affordable as far as buying a fishing boat goes. I'm often asked how much it costs to get into kayak fishing. My answer is "give or take $1,000" for a new, entry-level fishing kayak with a paddle and some accessories. High-end gear is another matter entirely. Waiting for end of season sales on new or demo models, or shopping online classifieds for used kayaks and gear are ways to lessen the hit to your wallet.
Being a proficient paddler and feeling comfortable fishing from a kayak has let me do some incredible fishing while traveling. Chartering a fishing guide while on a vacation is often worthwhile, but this may not always be within budget. A kayak fishing charter is likely to be a less costly option. Even more affordable is renting a kayak for a half or a full day as a DIY option. Certain resorts I've stayed at have even had kayaks that were free to use for guests. Bring your own travel rod and fishing tackle.
The above are just a few examples of how a kayak can put you on fish. Even if you prefer powerboat fishing, consider logging some hours paddling. Having a bit of kayak fishing know-how may someday let you fish somewhere you never dreamed you'd be — it did for me four years ago. Red snapper were the quarry, New Zealand the country — unforgettable!