Larry Whiteley, host of the award-winning Outdoor World Radio shares five of his tride and true tips for hunting duck.
- Don’t ignore your gear until you’re out there trying to set everything up in the pre-dawn darkness.
- Don’t wait to find out that you’ve got damaged decoys, that your weights and cords are tangled, or that the battery on your boat is dead.
- Look for shiny spots on your duck boat. It could be nothing more than a scratch letting shiny aluminum peek through, but that’s all it takes for asharp- eyed duck to decide to land elsewhere.
- Make sure that the camo you wear in the blind matches your environment. Realtree Hardwoods® camo is going to stick out like a sore thumb amongst the reeds of a duck pond. Also, tie on reeds, grasses and other foliage from your hunting area to your boat or blind.
- Sometimes it’s the little things that determine whether you come home with a limit of ducks or not.