Kevin VanDam News & Tips

News & Tips: My Best Day Ever in Competitive Fishing by KVD...

My Best Day Ever in Competitive Fishing by KVD

by Kevin VanDam, as published in Volume 2, Issue 1 of NITRO Performance Fishing Boats Magazine February 20th, 2011. The…

Fishing Presentation Technique

Simplicity and sticking to the basics can be the best strategy during changing seasonal weather. Kevin VanDam, member…

December Bass, Falling Temperatures, Look for Shad

In parts of the country where lakes don’t ice over, you can still catch bass in December. Shad should be dying because…

When Baitfish Transition from Deep to Shallow Water - Fishing Tip

September is often the time of year when baitfish transition from deep to shallow water and bass often follow and so…

Bass Lures - Fishing Tip

Bass don’t strike a lure because they think it’s cute. They strike it because the artificial appears to be something…

Kevin VanDam Responds to Twitter Questions

At the 2013 Spring Fishing Classic in Clarksville, Indiana, we filmed some of the most knowledgable Pros in the game…