Park Falls, WI (March 4, 2013) - Angling for different species calls for diverse techniques, each technique typically requiring a unique rod. But acquiring "specialty" poles for every ploy can be out…
My strike/hookup/release ratio on the silver king remains fairly high, compared to the fabled averages and there's been based on lots of years of traveling to different tarpon destinations and trying…
Many offshore and flats anglers are all too aware of the excellent fishing that Abaco Island offers in the Bahamas. Although it is considered an "out island", it is only a short one hour flight from…
When we last saw the fisherman, he had just started his fight with the tarpon ...
Meanwhile, the fisherman hangs on -- literally -- trying to gain some line back. He hears applause from the heavens…
Not for everyone … or the weak at heart … or weak, in general.
Tarpon fishing is for the serious fishing person, dedicated to the sport of fishing -- not embarking on the quest of a trophy that…
We choose many things about our saltwater fishing. The reel and rod combination is just one, but it is one of the most important. Off the shelf "big box" combos sell well, but for the most part, they…