Most Popular 2013

News & Tips: Recipes: Venison Neck Roast in a Crock Pot (video)...

Recipes: Venison Neck Roast in a Crock Pot (video)

February 14, 2013
Never throw away the neck when processing your deer meat! This is one of my favorite cuts of venison, and a perfect camp meal when having access to power for your crock pot. I have cooked this same…
News & Tips: After the Shot, Let It Be

After the Shot, Let It Be

February 12, 2013
The big doe slipped out of the hardwoods just minutes before legal quitting time. From my tree stand, some 20 feet above, I watched as she stepped cautiously into the field, tested the wind and began…
Loop knot

Fishing Knot Library: How to Tie Fishing Line With These 11 Knots

January 16, 2013
Learn how to tie fishing line and choose the best fishing knots to tie hooks, lures and fishing rigs. These fishing knots can be found on the PRO-KNOT Fishing Knot Tying Instruction Cards, available…
News & Tips: Outdoor Survival Guide: 5 Everyday Items Repurposed for Survival...

Outdoor Survival Guide: 5 Everyday Items Repurposed for Survival

January 11, 2013
With a little creativity, even the most mundane items can be used for other than their intended purposes -- and that even extends to uses for survival in the outdoors. Tip: Beginner Survival Skills:…
News & Tips: Lessons from Milo Hanson's World Record Hunt...

Lessons from Milo Hanson's World Record Hunt

January 3, 2013
  Milo Hanson and his 213 5/8 world record typical whitetail buck. Few whitetail hunters today have enough hunting land available to track a buck for miles until they catch up with it. Most…
News & Tips: That Ain’t No Bull - The Redfish are Running...

That Ain’t No Bull - The Redfish are Running

December 14, 2012
That ain’t no bull when I tell you the redfish are running -- the “bull” redfish. I live and work and fish in Venice, Louisiana. This area is at the mouth of the Mississippi River and is known as the…
News & Tips: What Fishing Rod Should I Buy for Bass Fishing...

What Fishing Rod Should I Buy for Bass Fishing

October 22, 2012
When I was a first became interested in bass fishing as a kid, I had the same question and no one to ask. My high school fishing buddy, Hank, had a subscription to Sports Afield Magazine and would…