Hunting Tips

News & Tips: Buying Guide for Deer Hunters on Your Gift List...

Buying Guide for Deer Hunters on Your Gift List

December 7, 2017
The great thing about having deer hunters on your holiday shopping list? They always need new or upgraded gear! Here’s a memory-jogger on some of the latest and greatest sure to please any deer…
News & Tips: Old Dogs & New Tricks: Coon Hunting Technology Has Come a Long Way...

Old Dogs & New Tricks: Coon Hunting Technology Has Come a Long Way

December 13, 2014
Way back in the olden days when I first started hunting with my father, two of the older men in camp would light out at night with their hounds for a few hours to hunt raccoons.   I had no clue about…
News & Tips: Going After Late Season Geese? Try These Tips to Hoodwink Honkers...

Going After Late Season Geese? Try These Tips to Hoodwink Honkers

December 4, 2014
Hunting Canada geese late in the year is not an easy task, but when the winter storms in the north start pushing down those final flights of birds, hunters are going to take to the field. Having a…
Hunter using a rangefinder

Are You Missing Out on Important Ways to Use Your Rangefinder?

December 3, 2014
The laser rangefinder may be the most underrated of all the optical tools for hunters.  Yet there are many hunting situations in which a rangefinder will make you a better shot with a bow, rifle, or…
News & Tips: Stay Put in Your Treestand with These 5 Tips...

Stay Put in Your Treestand with These 5 Tips

November 14, 2014
Many deer hunters don’t stay out all day, and that can be a mistake, especially during the rut. If you want to maximize your time in the field, and your chances of tagging a trophy, here are some…
News & Tips: Are You Taking These Precautions When Field Dressing Deer?...

Are You Taking These Precautions When Field Dressing Deer?

October 26, 2014
Rabbit hunters have long known that wild bunnies can carry diseases such as tularemia. Deer hunters have been hearing about diseases such as chronic wasting disease (CWD) for many years, but more…
Dead deer in field

12 Tips to Recovering Every Deer You Shoot

October 19, 2014
At some point in your deer hunting career you will shoot a deer that runs out of sight before it dies.  The seriousness of the situation can range from the deer running into heavy cover 25 yards away…
News & Tips: 3 Smart Ways Deer Hunters Can Stay Out-of-Sight and Out-of-Mind...

3 Smart Ways Deer Hunters Can Stay Out-of-Sight and Out-of-Mind

October 7, 2014
You can improve your odds of tagging a big buck this season by practicing the following low impact deer hunting tips.  Once you've tagged your buck, try not to forget the principles of low-impact…
News & Tips: 3 Measurements Every Woman Hunter Should Know for Perfect Shotgun Fit (video)...

3 Measurements Every Woman Hunter Should Know for Perfect Shotgun Fit (video)

October 5, 2014
For many women, their first hunting experience is done with a borrowed firearm. It makes sense for women hunters to give it a try without spending a lot of money. However, if you’ve fallen in love…
News & Tips: Shotgun and Gear Choices for Dove Hunting...

Shotgun and Gear Choices for Dove Hunting

September 24, 2014
If you plan a dove hunting trip, your gun choice isn't the only thing important. Consider other gear you'll need to take along for this exciting hunt. I use a double barrel side-by-side shotgun for…
News & Tips: New Boone & Crockett Club Book on Whitetails Combines Hard Core Facts & How-To Strategies...

New Boone & Crockett Club Book on Whitetails Combines Hard Core Facts & How-To Strategies

September 15, 2014
A new book titled Boone & Crockett Club’s Complete Guide to Hunting Whitetails provides deer hunters with a wealth of information not commonly found in websites, magazines and other books. This…
News & Tips: A Guide to the Modern Slug Gun

A Guide to the Modern Slug Gun

September 13, 2014
What makes a slug gun different than the run of the mill shotgun of today? Plenty, let's look at the modern day slug gun from end to end and point out the differences, as well as the similarities. H…