Hunting Tips

News & Tips: Dove Hunting Basics: Tips on Guns, Loads and Shooting (video)...

Dove Hunting Basics: Tips on Guns, Loads and Shooting (video)

September 11, 2014
Don't think it's tough to get started dove hunting. Before you hit the ground and start laying out dove decoys, you'll need a good gun, with the right loads. Then you'll need to know how to become a…
News & Tips: Spend Your Time Hunting Squirrels Around These 4 Fall Food Sources...

Spend Your Time Hunting Squirrels Around These 4 Fall Food Sources

September 10, 2014
A crisp fall morning, a .22 rifle in hand and squirrels grating on nuts; what a way to spend the day in the woods! Ripe hickory nuts, plentiful acorns, aromatic walnuts and cool fall mornings set the…
News & Tips: 4 More Tips for Low-Impact Deer Hunting...

4 More Tips for Low-Impact Deer Hunting

September 9, 2014
Last week we discussed a few ways to practice low-impact deer hunting. Let's look at a few more ways minimize your impact and maximize your chances of tagging a big buck this season.  Always…
News & Tips: 6 Secrets to Steering Deer to Your Stand...

6 Secrets to Steering Deer to Your Stand

September 8, 2014
As hunters we mostly try to figure out where deer are moving and then set up an ambush along that route. But sometimes it's useful to turn that scenario around and actually make the deer move where…
News & Tips: The Hype Around Non-Typical Clover Seed...

The Hype Around Non-Typical Clover Seed

September 6, 2014
Clover, and especially white clover, is perhaps the single best plant available for deer food plots. It's fairly easy to establish, provides a high protein level, and when perennial types such as…
News & Tips: 5 Tips for a Better Waterfowl Season

5 Tips for a Better Waterfowl Season

September 4, 2014
Waterfowl hunters are a passionate group of people. Passion levels can generally be measured by the amount of time an individual waterfowler spends preparing for the upcoming season. If you want to…
News & Tips: Don't Get Caught Off Guard - Have a Game Plan for Hunting...

Don't Get Caught Off Guard - Have a Game Plan for Hunting

September 4, 2014
One of the truly great things about bowhunting is that it's full of surprises. Despite all your scouting and preparation, every now and then something unexpected happens. It might take the form of a…
Deer in a field

8 Clues Deer Droppings Can Tell You

September 3, 2014
Experienced hunters are sometimes dismissive of deer pellets as valuable sign. "I thought only novices got excited about finding droppings," a hunting partner once said when I bent down to examine a…
News & Tips: 4 Things You Should Do Now Before Bow Season Opener...

4 Things You Should Do Now Before Bow Season Opener

August 28, 2014
Bowhunters in general dream all year long about the opening day of bow season. Visions of giant bucks stepping into a shooting lane is synonymous with being called a bowhunter. Dreams don't just come…
Antlered deer

Fastest Method for Field Scoring White-tailed Deer (video)

August 28, 2014
You hear hooves in the leaves. Where is he? There! There he is! A buck is ghosting in. Is he the one in the trail camera photos? Is he big enough to book? Does he meet the management standards for…
News & Tips: Are You Using the Wrong Gun for Squirrel?...

Are You Using the Wrong Gun for Squirrel Hunting?

August 26, 2014
Squirrel and other small game seasons happen throughout the country, giving hunters a chance to enjoy some of the finest opportunities for woodsmanship, fellowship and shooting skills.  From the…
News & Tips: Don’t Overuse Game Cameras When Scouting...

Don’t Overuse Game Cameras When Scouting

August 26, 2014
Game cameras have revolutionized how we hunt deer, but if you don't use them wisely, they may actually hurt your chances of tagging that big buck come hunting season. A hunter's efforts can become…