Hunting Dog

News & Tips: 3 Ways to Develop Safety and Trust with Your Hunting Dog...

3 Ways to Develop Safety and Trust with Your Hunting Dog

May 17, 2018
When you watch a hunting dog go about that which it was born and bred to do, it’s not hard to imagine the canine is covering 10, 20, or even 30 times as much ground as its two-legged hunting partner…
News & Tips: America's Hunting Dogs by the Numbers (infographic)...

America's Hunting Dogs by the Numbers (infographic)

October 26, 2016
It’s not news to bird hunters, waterfowlers, bear and mountain lion hunters, coon hunters, or rabbit hunters — but our hunting dogs are a huge part of the reason we love hunting. Time afield just…
News & Tips: Keep Your Hunting Dog Healthy in the Field...

How to Keep Your Hunting Dog Healthy in the Field

October 22, 2015
The day was off to a great start. Birds were flying, the sun was shining, and spirits were high. Then the unthinkable happened—my hunting buddy’s English Setter collapsed mid-stride. Tip: Shop dog…
News & Tips: Hunting Dog Training: First Steps for Turning Your Puppy into a Hunting Partner...

Hunting Dog Training: First Steps for Turning Your Puppy into a Hunting Partner

March 13, 2015
Puppies face a world of fun, excitement, intimidation and growth in the first few months of their lives.  Teaching your pup to avoid bad habits while instilling obedience basics will ensure your new…
News & Tips: 5 Tips for Training Your Bird Dog in the Off Season...

5 Tips for Training Your Bird Dog in the Off Season

March 6, 2015
Spending time training your bird dog in the off season will pay big dividends on opening day. A well trained bird dog can be a hunter’s most valuable tool. However, unlike your favorite shotgun,…
News & Tips: 5 Ways to Prepare Your Retriever for Frigid Weather...

5 Ways to Prepare Your Retriever for Frigid Weather

January 28, 2015
Retrievers are amazing animals. They crash through icy marshes and cornfield snowdrifts without a single complaint.  They’ll take everything Mother Nature has to throw at them and still return with…

Stop Shouting At Your Hunting Dog!

November 15, 2014
Dog Training Tips Minus the Drama   Hunters who try to control their dog’s every move by shouting commands end up confusing the dog and setting it up for failure. Instead, allow a young dog to work…
News & Tips: Tips for Low-Impact Deer Hunting: All About the Scent...

Tips for Low-Impact Deer Hunting: All About the Scent

September 2, 2014
As deer season approaches, over the next few weeks we'll discuss ways to minimize your impact and maximize your chances of tagging a big buck this season.   Go High Tech Trail cameras are extremely…
News & Tips: Tips to Keep Your Dog Safe When Hunting and Traveling...

Tips to Keep Your Dog Safe When Hunting and Traveling

August 1, 2014
  It's a sad yet true fact: many upland and waterfowl hunters meticulously pore over hunting gear in preparation for a hunt, only to load their hunting dog into a kennel in the back of a truck as a…
News & Tips: 7 Sure-Fire Ways to Guard Your Hunting Dog From Overheating (infographic)...

5 Ways to Keep Your Hunting Dog Safe & Happy in the Field & On the Water

January 24, 2014
Though hunting dogs and water dogs are naturally built to thrive out in the field and on the water, a few creature comforts can help to keep them happier and safer in these environments. Check Out…
Pack of hunting beagles sniffing a dead rabbit

Rabbits & Beagles: Tips From an Expert Hunter

November 2, 2013
Some things fit together so perfectly that when one of the components is missing, the whole thing seems out of kilter. Rabbits and beagles are one such pairing. Compared to this combination, setters…
Grouse hunter and dog

Ten Hunting Tips for More Grouse

August 26, 2013
It was one of those perfect upland hunting moments. The ruffed grouse flushed from the wild grapes with Callie, my English springer spaniel, snapping at its tail feathers. As those panicked wing…