Brown Trout

Trout angler proudly holds up his catch

A Place to Enjoy Trout Fishing is Montauk State Park

February 14, 2020
Like clockwork on the 1st of March each year, hundreds of anglers gather along banks overlooking streams, ready to kick off the start of Missouri’s trout season. One of the most popular destinations…
News & Tips: Think Fly Fishing for Brown Trout is Child’s Play? Then Try Central Pennsylvania Streams in the Fall...

Think Fly Fishing for Brown Trout is Child’s Play? Then Try Central Pennsylvania Streams in the Fall

December 3, 2014
Among autumn’s challenges is finding the time to squeeze in the many outdoor opportunities that exist at this time of year. One adventure I promised myself this fall was a trip to central…
News & Tips: How to Tie Killer Streamers for Fall Brown Trout Fishing...

How to Tie Killer Streamers for Fall Brown Trout Fishing

October 19, 2014
With fall underway, the cold weather and high water means brown trout are in full swing with their migration back into the rivers. If you love fly fishing for big browns then fall is the time to do…
News & Tips: Get Rid of Fishing Net Problems With These 4 Tips...

Get Rid of Fishing Net Problems With These 4 Tips

September 26, 2014
When planning my weekend fishing trips, I make a mental rundown of the essential items that I need to pack. Fly rods, fly boxes and my fishing waders are always tops on that list, but securing my…
News & Tips: 3 Keys to Catching Trophy Brown Trout This Fall...

3 Keys to Catching Trophy Brown Trout This Fall

September 17, 2014
Hooking a trophy brown trout this fall has a lot do do with timing. Fall provides great opportunities to catch trophy brown trout. Fall spawning runs from these elusive fish give dedicated fly…