Boating Tip

News & Tips: Walleye Require Boat Control

Walleye Require Boat Control

February 6, 2014
Presentation is a key component when chasing walleye. If your lure or bait is not positioned at the correct angle, depth or speed, your chances for success are greatly diminished. Boat control is…
News & Tips: Basics of Launching a Boat (video)

Basics of Launching a Boat (video)

September 13, 2013
Boat launch activity can range from placid to pandemonium — or anywhere in between. Line-ups and on-the-ramp mishaps can send impatient individual's stress-levels soaring; conversely a vacant launch…
News & Tips: Tips for Safe, Easy Boat Launching

Tips for Safe, Easy Boat Launching

August 16, 2013
Launching a boat can be challenging, especially for those anglers new on the scene. Here are some tips to make the exercise pain-free and less complicated. It Starts at Home There are a few steps to…
News & Tips: Safe Boating

Safe Boating

July 23, 2013
By Tom Keer for Every time I go fishing I expect to catch fish. Some days I catch a lot while other days I catch squat. Every time I go boating I expect to return to the dock. So…
News & Tips: How to Turn Your Phone Into a Boating Safety Kit...

How to Turn Your Phone Into a Boating Safety Kit

July 17, 2013
When planning a trip out on the water, most typically start their checklist with the basics: fishing license, spinning rod, bait-casting rod, back-up rod, bait, snacks, sunscreen, nautical maps, tide…
News & Tips: Boat Launch Etiquette

Boat Launch Etiquette

July 15, 2013
For all the relaxation fishing and boating can provide, it's amazing the level of stress often experienced at the launch ramp. Much of the tension can be avoided by simply adhering to a code of boat…
News & Tips: Boat Trailer Accessory Buyer's Guide

Boat Trailer Accessory Buyer's Guide

July 7, 2013
When outfitting your boat trailer, security and safety are two important factors to keep in mind. Many boaters can recall the serenity of quiet mornings, clear skies and calm water. The flipside to…
News & Tips: Being a Good Boat Partner

Being a Good Boat Partner

June 27, 2013
Accepting an invitation to join a friend on his or her boat for a day of fishing is a privilege.  As with many potential relationships, your conduct during the outing will have a lot to do with being…
News & Tips: Boater's Guide to the Bimini Crossing

Boater's Guide to the Bimini Crossing

June 22, 2013
Bimini, a chain of islands located in the westernmost district of the Bahamas, lies only 48 nautical miles east of Miami, Florida. For U.S. boaters making their first crossing to the Bahamas, Bimini…
News & Tips: How to Measure Boat Trailer Tongue Weight...

How to Measure Boat Trailer Tongue Weight

June 21, 2013
Pulling a trailered boat or ATV is a fact of life for anglers and hunters. Checking tie downs, lights, and ensuring a secured load is a daily safety check before each of our adventures. For many,…
News & Tips: Marine & Boat Battery Maintenance Tips...

Marine & Boat Battery Maintenance Tips

May 31, 2013
Batteries and boats go hand-in-hand, whether you rely on the cranking power needed to start your engine or a constant current from a deep-cycle to run your electronics. Proper boat battery…
News & Tips: Quick Fix for Leaky Boats

Quick Fix for Leaky Boats

May 10, 2013
A common problem affecting aluminum boats are leaks. Collisions with underwater obstructions, beaching boats, and years of pounding waves are the likely causes of loose or missing rivets, widening of…