Just-In-Case Tools That Can Save Your Next Hunt
Things happen, guns fail and the perfect hiding spot isn’t always readily available. These things surmise the life of duck hunters who spend their time outdoors in the most unforgiving conditions.
While new-age blind bags are full of pockets and organized space, that doesn’t mean we have to fill each of them up with extra ammo, food and
four game straps either. Instead of wasting space, try taking these five tools with you on your next adventure.
While you might never need to use them, they can sure save the day when you do.
Pick a brand, any brand. A Multi-Tool is something all waterfowl hunters should have with them. Most have a pair of needle-nose pliers, both flat and Phillips screwdrivers, wire cutters, a knife, and even an awl in addition to many other improve tools. The gun- and blind-repair functions with this handy tool are endless.
Pruning Shears
Every hide can be made better by cutting additional brush from your surroundings. While pulling grass and breaking branches might work, using shears to cut right through the media is an easier, pain-free way to get the job done faster.
Paper Clips
While trivial at first glance, the options are endless. From freeing a clogged or frozen cooling system on an outboard to using it to bind things together or hold back a flap in the blind, this inexpensive item is certainly worth its weight 10 times over. Even a whole box of them doesn’t weigh as a much as one shotgun shell.
Electrical Tape
No, it isn’t just for fixing bad electrical connections, but it certainly could be used to help repair a broken wire to the bilge pump. In addition to its use for wiring, electrical tape is a fix-all, doing everything from being a makeshift bandage to fixing a loose rib on a shotgun. Just don’t ask how I know.
Miniature Adjustable Crescent Wrench
Of the smaller variety when compared to your home-use model, a crescent wrench can help tighten nuts and bolts when your multi-tool is only helping to round it off. In addition, the hole at the rear of the wrench can be used to help bend field stakes or blind components back into shape by providing a little leverage.