Fishing for the best walleye spoon? A few tricks of the trade to improve your success are offered by Gary Parsons, member of the Bass Pro Shops® National Fishing Team.
Spoons are sometimes overlooked as walleye baits, although they can be very effective – especially when fish are using weedbeds in water 10 feet deep or shallower.
When fishing areas like this for walleyes, try casting a spoon and fishing it as if you were after a bass. Vary your retrieve, pausing often to let the spoon flutter down like a wounded baitfish.
Many anglers use a snap or snap-swivel to attach spoons to their line, which assures that the lure will move through the water with maximum action.
Experiment with lure size and retrieve until you start catching fish. Then concentrate on consistency to "spoon feed" more walleyes on your next trip.