It may be the off-season for deer hunters but now is the time to do one of the most important things of the whole year for your white-tailed deer herd.
Grant Woods checking out his hugh set of shed antlers. |
 With food plot planting time just around the corner, it's time to take a soil sample so that you are ready with the correct nutrients to add to the soil prior to putting your seeds in the ground! Watch this episode to learn how to correctly take a soil sample. Then stay tuned as Dr. Woods gives advice to an Illinois hunter on how to improve his hunting property with stand placement ideas, food plots, and more! Check out the huge set of shed antlers he found! Additionally - it's been a tough, cold winter throughout much of the whitetails range. Should you start a new supplemental feeding program? Watch to find out why Dr. Woods recommends a cautious approach when introducing new feed to deer at this time of year.
Join the conversation with other hunters and land owners on Growing Deer Tv's facebook page. See more of Grant Woods videos and information useful for deer hunters.
Grant Woods