Balancing Natural Resource Extraction on Public Lands

Would you be concerned if some of the nation’s best public lands hunting and angling was jeopardized by irresponsible energy development? Find out what’s at risk in southwestern Montana’s Powder River Basin by tuning in.

• Public lands provide important habitat for fish and wildlife and should be responsibly managed during energy project planning and development.
• Federal agencies’ multiple-use mandate requires that public lands management policies consider all resources – including fish and wildlife.
• Current science and knowledge gained from previous efforts should drive federal policy regarding the management of our public lands, as well as the natural resources and outdoor opportunities they provide.
• Current federal leasing policies allow industry to play a major role in determining where energy projects will occur as well as the pace and intensity of development. As a result, energy development on public lands can occur with inadequate attention paid to natural resources conservation and sportsmen’s values. Resource management agencies also are being asked to do more with less funding.

Season 2: Episode 1


Trout Unlimited

Sportsmen for Responsible Energy Development

National Wildlife Federation


presented by TRCP's Conservation Field Notes